I’ve had 2 Divided By 13’s and tried a few others too. What he’s describing is just part of their sound. I don’t think they’re bad amps, I actually liked some things about them, but for the price range they’re in there are plenty of overall better amps out there IME. I’d say similar for Bad Cat, Cornford and Morgan. I don’t like Morgan’s at all. They kind of are to Vox’s what Friedman is too Marshall, but even more so. Cornford’s are pretty good actually, but not what I’d use as a pedal platform or ideal clean amp
Big agree on morgans.
For that kind of money there are way, way, WAY better options
I would grab a bad cat, matchless, tophat, victoria, alessandro, etc depending on what type of circuit you're looking for, and you'd get a lot more for the money.
Morgans aren't terrible by any means, but the build quality and QC is sus and i've heard some gross things about his business practices. I would avoid like the plague, especially when there are so many great builders for those types of amps out there.