Thoughts, prayers and battlefield tourniquets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bagel and Creamcheese
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It should be against the law to be as stupid as you are .
Right. Someone hints at something with an open ended question and I should understand they are spouting truth on the down low. Lol
C’mon, @JackTheBeerBelly . . . One little quote from the “article” that you think was particularly informative. Lol
C’mon, @JackTheBeerBelly . . . One little quote from the “article” that you think was particularly informative. Lol

All of it.?

Oh, Doc TV- BAITER, is it reading the article that you are having problems with?
…go back to T.V.


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Share you very favorite part. C’mon…it’s barely even a page long. It shouldn’t take long.
Oh, Baiter, when was the last thing you did something nice for a stranger?
Go Beater!

I am Lakota and Cherokee. My uncle was a tribal elder in the nations. So can I criticize black people too ?

Because that dude on the new $100,000 pyramid is definitely playing favorites with some of the answers given by certain celebrity guests. And he needs to spend some Superbowl money closing that fat ass gap between his front teeth.
Hey Kolah, .... Meteh koyeh oysin !!!!
These Waseechu Trumpsters are the biggest loser since the Southern Confederacy .
Maybe you should go to an Iwipi and not poison your self with their afflictions of Rascism and Inferiority .
Being around Trumpsters will wear out your True Self in being Lakota .
I know many, many of your people, since I was at Standing Rock a few years back as a member of AIM .