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I don't watch Glens videos anymore but at least 90% of the ones I've seen so far this year, involved bashing Gibson and name dropping them every chance he can get for clicks.
Yup, as well as a bunch of other great players. I know Def Leppard used them live on the hysteria tour. Then there's the whole nola scene, like guys from Eyehategod, Crowbar, Superjoint Ritual etc...Neal Schon and Vivian Campbell used RGs back in the 80s and they had an amazing tone.
That Christian Kohle guy seems like he knows his shit when it comes to producing, engineering.Rick Beato.
He’s becoming annoying with his clickbait titles, regurgitating the same tones, and now doing some weird online academy thing so any good content he creates goes there and his YT videos are essentially long sales pitches to sign onto that crap. Still, better than Glenn.That Christian Kohle guy seems like he knows his shit when it comes to producing, engineering.
You know there are different types of V30's that sound different from each other, like the Marshall Vintage, the Chinese V30 and the UK V30. Try them all and you'll notice some pretty obvious differences between them all, and then there's the fact that all v30's sound a bit different from each other anyways. So there's variety there, even with the V30. People gotta stop shitting on it, it's a good speaker.Guitar tone in metal is largely ruined these days thanks to the whole 5150 V30 57 combo.
I don't like V30s in general and prefer greenbacks and its variants much more.You know there are different types of V30's that sound different from each other, like the Marshall Vintage, the Chinese V30 and the UK V30. Try them all and you'll notice some pretty obvious differences between them all, and then there's the fact that all v30's sound a bit different from each other anyways. So there's variety there, even with the V30. People gotta stop shitting on it, it's a good speaker.
I think it more boils down to the producer/engineer and his techniques. Where he cuts and boosts frequencies, adds compression, hi cuts, low cuts... alot of tones don't need a high cut, but they do it anyways (yes it's a useful technique when used properly). Also the way the amplifier is dialed in can really affect the outcome obviously. Everyone wants the most balanced tone... sorry to say, but the most balanced tone is not going to be the most unique tone.
I like Greenbacks, as well as Creambacks, but I always come back to the V30. It just works really well for what I do.I don't like V30s in general and prefer greenbacks and its variants much more.
Let me tell you, they all would've been disappointed if they heard your tone with that modeler.I went to the company Christmas party and they had a dance party band there. If I was doing that gig it would be a modeler for sure because they weigh 10 lbs. and nobody know shit about tube amps and tone . They do know you better be able to keep the party going to collect the loot !!
It wasn't my band and that type of audience knows nothing about tone . It took me forever to figure it out also.Let me tell you, they all would've been disappointed if they heard your tone with that modeler.
It’s not so much how low his opinion is of his audience in particular but the reality that this simply is how you appeal to a broader audience. (Or I suppose not so much “appeal” to them but just get their attention in the moment)I swear to fucking god, crush series sounds quite good for solid state, but clickbait titles like this basically show you how low Glenn thinks of his audience
And comments like ghostys show you that Glenn is probably right, and his audience is a bunch of retarded troglodytes who think using non-monosyllabic words makes a YouTube video Facts™ and Science®
He did a null test guys! *Tips fedora*
Christ almighty
It’s no Wangcaster.View attachment 150682
Pls no ban
But what if there ends up being ONE GUY at the gig who plays and he comes up to you at some point and says “Hey great playing man, but to be honest I hear some digital artifacts in the upper mids?”I don't understand half the shit posted here but I do understand the OP posted basically started a clickbait troll thread that's no different than Glenn's Youtube crap.
Naturely everyone wants the Panhead5 take on this or do you???
I went to the company Christmas party and they had a dance party band there. If I was doing that gig it would be a modeler for sure because they weigh 10 lbs. and nobody know shit about tube amps and tone . They do know you better be able to keep the party going to collect the loot !!
If you're playing a different venue or one of my 10 tube amps in my basement It's all about tone , glass glowing, moving air and the pictures falling off the wall. How much fun is that ?? In my world tube amps aren't going anywhere .
It all depends on the application .
People posting crap like that on youtube just want to keep the view and subscription count up to make money.
Thank You ---I love you all !!!!!!
Well that guy would be me -- but my point it's in the context of what and where the venue is that you're playing . Most people weren't concerned about the tone while drunk listening to Tommy Tutone and Dua Lipa covers at a company Christmas party .But what if there ends up being ONE GUY at the gig who plays and he comes up to you at some point and says “Hey great playing man, but to be honest I hear some digital artifacts in the upper mids?”