Van Halen 1 and 2 gear and racks in HD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amp_chaser
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i just wonder what you do when you actually figure it all out and nail the tone?? smoke a cig? drink a beer? what happens though if you find the tone on a dry cool day, then the next day its rainy, humid and warm? all those water particles in the air are definitely gonna change the way the mids react, whats the move then?
i remember coming to a place chasing vh tone where i got my rig close enough to check all of the important boxes i admired about my favorite VH recorded tones.

once i was satisfied with the *tone*, then it became a matter of refining it to respond properly to *my* touch/technique.

one crucial element not discussed is volume. the louder the better. period.

when unable to deploy ozone destroying dbs, i’m totally happy hitting my peacemaker with wayne’s atomic punk pedal which is more vh 1/2

and my egnater ie4 ch 3 + UA Lion which is more vh WACF/Fair Warning

because frankly between Jacob Deraps and Jim Gausted they have the perfect vh tone and touch market cornered.
i also had two mxr 6 band eqs back in the day. the older one was easier to get a fat squishy tone from but a bit noisier than the newer one.

back when the world was a happier place, i gave the older one to mark cameron.
if you have the chops you'll get the tone........

I feel like the internet always goes in circles regarding this topic.

Yes, it's great to chronicle Edward's gear or any important guitar hero's gear.

Yes it's fun to speculate what solutions he might have used for problem XYZ

Yes, all matters regarding his sound are great topics for content

But it's like guitarist on the internet are in a perpetual cycle where it goes like "oh okay Edward could get this sound with any rig and axe back then... Oh Dave Friedman, John Suhr, George Metropolous etc said that the 12301 amp was practically stock except for a few minor changes... Oh Eddie used multiple guitars on each record and each song has a slightly different tone from the next... Oh tons of people can get very close to his tone by replicating his playing really well... But what if there's more to the secret of the Brown Sound???"

It's like growing up, being told the Tooth Fairy isn't real and then still setting up elaborate Looney Tunes type traps in your bedroom to try and catch her.

I feel like the internet always goes in circles regarding this topic.

Yes, it's great to chronicle Edward's gear or any important guitar hero's gear.

Yes it's fun to speculate what solutions he might have used for problem XYZ

Yes, all matters regarding his sound are great topics for content

But it's like guitarist on the internet are in a perpetual cycle where it goes like "oh okay Edward could get this sound with any rig and axe back then... Oh Dave Friedman, John Suhr, George Metropolous etc said that the 12301 amp was practically stock except for a few minor changes... Oh Eddie used multiple guitars on each record and each song has a slightly different tone from the next... Oh tons of people can get very close to his tone by replicating his playing really well... But what if there's more to the secret of the Brown Sound???"

It's like growing up, being told the Tooth Fairy isn't real and then still setting up elaborate Looney Tunes type traps in your bedroom to try and catch her.
The issue is that vh1 sounds like nothing else even dweezil zappa went to interview sunset sound after eddies death. But what people don't know eddie predicted this. There are NDA everywhere. For example i called seymour duncan to get infos about the original paf rewound and if it was really a paf that was rewind. I also asked if they could tell me which humbuckers they designed for eddie. Nothing, they're still under NDA and i believe guys like ted templeman and donn landee still are too. this means there are some things we don't know.

of course you can reproduce VH1's tone in a multiple ways however the replicate always seem to lack something even if they get hyper close. What they lack is the coloring of the distortion. I think the closest ones might be the kemper profile, mark mod 5 and jim gaustaad. However the player is important too. There is a guy who plays almost like eddie and his name is Mike Palermo... No one has a groove like him it feels natural... even al estrada and pete thorn can't do a lot against this force of nature. He makes every amp sound good however he has issues sounding like VH1 because you need a precise setup. The same when eddie used 5150 fender evh amp he didn't sound really good and nothing like his early brown sound. This prooves that your settup and amps are very important even if you are the mozart of rock n roll.

he can almost make this jcm 800 sound like the real brown sound. It's impressive and this proves that the player is very important too. However Eddie proved with its 5150 evh fender amps that hands aren't everything too.

I believe we have to agree that there is magic in the hands but you also need the correct setup to sound in a precise way.
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Amp- Chaser Also take a good look at the pole pieces of the chrome cover pickup in the bridge
they seem normal in my book regular pole pieces. I don't care about the sharkified version of the destroyer for VH1 because in the only picture of the recording session of VH1 you can see that the destroyer is still white and not cut. Eddie said it himself after the sharkification he changed the humbuckers.
destroyer 1977.jpg

there is a reason why he then borrowed chris holmes destroyer which still has the stock humbuckers ^^.
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they seem normal in my book regular pole pieces. I don't care about the sharkified version of the destroyer for VH1 because in the only picture of the recording session of VH1 you can see that the destroyer is still white and not cut. Eddie said it himself after the sharkification he changed the humbuckers.
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there is a reason why he then borrowed chris holmes destroyer which still has the stock humbuckers ^^.
They were Maxon pups MIJ / A8 mags. I had a 70's Ibanez LPC that had them. The pups were okay but a little flat by todays pup standards.
Amp-chaser the covered bridge pickup looks like hex pole pieces ??
That I know but did Ed put a cover on the hex screws pickup ?

I feel like the internet always goes in circles regarding this topic.

Yes, it's great to chronicle Edward's gear or any important guitar hero's gear.

Yes it's fun to speculate what solutions he might have used for problem XYZ

Yes, all matters regarding his sound are great topics for content

But it's like guitarist on the internet are in a perpetual cycle where it goes like "oh okay Edward could get this sound with any rig and axe back then... Oh Dave Friedman, John Suhr, George Metropolous etc said that the 12301 amp was practically stock except for a few minor changes... Oh Eddie used multiple guitars on each record and each song has a slightly different tone from the next... Oh tons of people can get very close to his tone by replicating his playing really well... But what if there's more to the secret of the Brown Sound???"

It's like growing up, being told the Tooth Fairy isn't real and then still setting up elaborate Looney Tunes type traps in your bedroom to try and catch her.
The actual effects chain is quite important to nail it as close as possible, but my point was is if you run your Marshall's the way Ed did and have his chops and skills it will be Ed's core tone. Even if you don't have all of Ed's chops the core tone is achievable with all the information that is now out there on the internet if you dig.

After trying every so called Ed mod, cascade circuits, stock plexi, stock superlead and all the load resistor/slaving to power amps I find they all can produce a great VH1 tone really. I am completely content with the conclusions my experimentations have shown me over the years that a stock 68 plexi or superlead variaced down and either ran into a load box then reamped by either more Superleads/Bandmasters/Musicmans probably was the formula for VH1 and the VH1 78 tour and probably VHII and 79. Can a mod 5 sound pretty good, sure it does, side by side with a 68 plexi the plexi is more correct sounding and feeling every time IMHO. I do believe those videos showing Musicman HD130's and 65 prove Ed was slaving and using them as power amps because if you have played a Musicman HD130 you will know it doesn't sound like a varaiced Marshall. It's all cool and alot of fun and one can reach any conclusion they wish as I am quite content that I have a tone that I enjoy and that's what counts.

Here are pictures that are supposedly Ed's 12301 amp after being rebuilt by Van Wheelden so who knows what it looked like in 1978. The last pic is fromt he 5150 tour in 1986, Ed was slaving but to H&H power amps.


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thanks for the info it's a shame that many of those old topics seem to be difficult to find. I know that the metroforums are a gold mine however it was something for niche tone geeks. I hope to make a video to share those infos with a lot of people.

it's funny he has the same reasoning that i had some months ago. I was like why the hell did eddy need a 100w amp + jtm 45 and vox amps for small clubs ? Then i tought that the super lead was attenuated to the max with the variac and you need another amp to get the output to a good level.

i've read his topic however there seems to be some infos lacking. However as you said it's a gold mine, Robin could have been someone close to somebody who worked directly with eddie. I don't believe he is rudy because rudy said that the phase 90 was modded and that eds plexi had a bias mod. Dweezil zappa also believes the phase 90 is modded and said once that its mod is a key component of eddies sound. However i don't know if we have to believe these stories...

he doesn't mention the noise gate that eddie used sometimes. You can see a picture of it hidden in the echoplex in 1978 even if it's not in use.

View attachment 345470

If robin was rudy he would be able to answer what was the knob behind the amp during vh1 and vh2. However i believe he got many infos right. He was certainly involved in a way or had an acquaintance directly involved.
I dont think Ed's phase 90 was modded. The early script models were all a bit different. I've had a bunch and only one stood out. It added a little more gain, but had such a sweet sound to it.

I'm also a big fan of the MXR noise gate line driver. It adds something very nice to the signal.

If you notice.... a lot of the EQ settings in these pictures notice that more high end is being removed than low end. The boss GE 10 above is set to -18db as well.
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I dont think Ed's phase 90 was modded. The early script models were all a bit different. I've had a bunch and only one stood out. It added a little more gain, but had such a sweet sound to it.

I'm also a big fan of the MXR noise gate line driver. It adds something very nice to the signal.

If you notice.... a lot of the EQ settings in these pictures that more high end is being removed than low end. The boss GE 10 above is set to -18db as well.
Sounds familiar ---


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The actual effects chain is quite important to nail it as close as possible, but my point was is if you run your Marshall's the way Ed did and have his chops and skills it will be Ed's core tone. Even if you don't have all of Ed's chops the core tone is achievable with all the information that is now out there on the internet if you dig.

After trying every so called Ed mod, cascade circuits, stock plexi, stock superlead and all the load resistor/slaving to power amps I find they all can produce a great VH1 tone really. I am completely content with the conclusions my experimentations have shown me over the years that a stock 68 plexi or superlead variaced down and either ran into a load box then reamped by either more Superleads/Bandmasters/Musicmans probably was the formula for VH1 and the VH1 78 tour and probably VHII and 79. Can a mod 5 sound pretty good, sure it does, side by side with a 68 plexi the plexi is more correct sounding and feeling every time IMHO. I do believe those videos showing Musicman HD130's and 65 prove Ed was slaving and using them as power amps because if you have played a Musicman HD130 you will know it doesn't sound like a varaiced Marshall. It's all cool and alot of fun and one can reach any conclusion they wish as I am quite content that I have a tone that I enjoy and that's what counts.

Here are pictures that are supposedly Ed's 12301 amp after being rebuilt by Van Wheelden so who knows what it looked like in 1978. The last pic is fromt he 5150 tour in 1986, Ed was slaving but to H&H power amps.
The actual effects chain is quite important to nail it as close as possible, but my point was is if you run your Marshall's the way Ed did and have his chops and skills it will be Ed's core tone. Even if you don't have all of Ed's chops the core tone is achievable with all the information that is now out there on the internet if you dig.

After trying every so called Ed mod, cascade circuits, stock plexi, stock superlead and all the load resistor/slaving to power amps I find they all can produce a great VH1 tone really. I am completely content with the conclusions my experimentations have shown me over the years that a stock 68 plexi or superlead variaced down and either ran into a load box then reamped by either more Superleads/Bandmasters/Musicmans probably was the formula for VH1 and the VH1 78 tour and probably VHII and 79. Can a mod 5 sound pretty good, sure it does, side by side with a 68 plexi the plexi is more correct sounding and feeling every time IMHO. I do believe those videos showing Musicman HD130's and 65 prove Ed was slaving and using them as power amps because if you have played a Musicman HD130 you will know it doesn't sound like a varaiced Marshall. It's all cool and alot of fun and one can reach any conclusion they wish as I am quite content that I have a tone that I enjoy and that's what counts.

Here are pictures that are supposedly Ed's 12301 amp after being rebuilt by Van Wheelden so who knows what it looked like in 1978. The last pic is fromt he 5150 tour in 1986, Ed was slaving but to H&H power amps.
With the big amount of people who have seen its guts. it's incredible that very few pictures of his amp have leaked i would be curious to see the entire board state. Notably the power section of the amp to see if rudy did lie or not.

However these pictures prove 2 things that the stock marshal mustard caps were removed at some point. And that at some point someone put back the amp back to stock and used cherry drops and wima caps instead of real mustards. There is a guy who used a lot of cherry drops for his mods and his name is josé arredondo. Why did he removed the mustards ? NO idea.

Look josé and the cherry drops are everywhere in the extra gain stages he then transitionned into orange drops. He also used a lot of plessey caps :


C9674D8D-E981-4035-98F5-8F39DE9A2913 (1).jpeg

however it's true that you can achieve good brown sounds with a stock 68 or a mod 5 and even a josé. The remaining question is was there any mod that was removed after vh2.

SL12309-01 (1).jpg

the extra tube slot has a lot of wear this means it was screwed and unscewed a lot. This means there was a lot of repairs or experimentation in this area. Perhaps to add a terminal strip. Then the non stock components are stock values but it proves that at some point the stock components were removed and it was put back to stock without stock components.

what's interesting it's that around 1979 after VH2 josé was diagnosed with cancer. Perhaps that's what made things change ? Who knows...

Eddie's board seems to contradict the fact that every tech say it was stock, i mean it was proibably stock when they saw it but they failed to mention values are stock but not the components and that's not the same thing. but none of those techs saw it around 78 and 79.

but for me what makes it more suspicious that the amp was perhaps really modded it's this testimony of josé arredondo when he was in his last days (he had no reason to lie) :


this is taken from the book eddie van halen from musician journalist Neil Zlozlower who interviewed josé.

I believe there is a reason Dave Friedman is going threw a lot of those vintage josé amps. He perhaps wants to find clues of what could have perhaps be done to ed's amp. The josé DLR Vai amp specially has a very brown sound tonality i would like to hear it under variac at 70v with a power amp.

Mark Cameron probably had almost a hearth attack when he learnt his boss was putting back to stock all those josé amps from the arcco shop... it's unfortunate that no one probably worked with josé during his early years of modding to give us some hints and testimonies about his work.

I know josé introduced slaving amps and load resistors to eddie (he did load boxes and power amps). but according to his testimony he seems to have done more than that.
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i just wonder what you do when you actually figure it all out and nail the tone?? smoke a cig? drink a beer? what happens though if you find the tone on a dry cool day, then the next day its rainy, humid and warm? all those water particles in the air are definitely gonna change the way the mids react, whats the move then?
What if people do ALL of this work only to find out tone is in the fingers? Or that for a few bucks and hours of time saved they can use the isolated tracks and get the exact tone from an axe fx? The world needs answers
What if people do ALL of this work only to find out tone is in the fingers? Or that for a few bucks and hours of time saved they can use the isolated tracks and get the exact tone from an axe fx? The world needs answers
If tone was only in the hands Eddie wouldn't sound like that compared to that :

i never heard any axe fx sound good at van halen 1 and 2 sorry and a lot of people tried to convince me. Gaustaad and the kemper top jimmy profile and mod v and a 68 under variac do it all way better than any axe fx i've heard. And i say that without being against modulation. I believe that with the axe fx you're not able to properly emulate amp slaving and variac effects on tone.
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If tone was only in the hands Eddie wouldn't sound like that compared to that :

i never heard any axe fx sound good at van halen 1 and 2 sorry and a lot of people tried to convince me. Gaustaad and the kemper top jimmy profile and mod v and a 68 under variac do it all way better than any axe fx i've heard. And i say that without being against modulation. I believe that with the axe fx you're not able to properly emulate amp slaving and variac effects on tone.

Are we seriously going to pretend to Eddie was the same person he was in the 2010s as he was in his youth?

His playing definitely changed since the 90s. You can hear it in the actual playing. Starting around the FUCK album progressing onwards. He played a lot lighter by the end of it. In many ways, he sounded more consistent.

Then the 2000s rolled by and his playing got worse.