Well-known member
LOL. Projecting much?Bro, your TDS is raging.
I have no idea what you are talking about or why you are even talking about Trump right now.

Dude, I'm not even a US citizen, so technically I have no horse in this race, nor do I suffer from 'TDS'.
But the fact that you seem to attribute every bad thing to 'libs' and simultaneously complain about 'elites', while casually ignoring the fact that Trump's proposed administration is full of billionaires, AKA 'elites', tells me your anti-lib vision is raging.
Please let's not pretend that if 'other' elites were in charge, it would suddenly be so much better there. Elites gonna elite, squeeze out as much $$$ from nature's resources, people, etc. as possible. That's my point. That's the reason they got so rich in the first place. Not by caring about water levels or quality. Or was Flint (Michigan) also the libs fault?! In that case you may wanna look up Rick Snyder. ?
But I'm not gonna hold my breath for you to understand what I'm trying to convey here, because "It's the damn libs elites, man! Too much rain? Fuckin' libtard elites! Too much sunshine? You guessed it..."