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There was PLENTY of reserve water available for 2024 / 2025 in Los Angeles. Please see below actual undisputed data:Poor forest management. Ill prepared authorities. You pretend like drought is something new to the southwestern US when it's a historic reality my man. Like a piano player who can only play in the key of C "cLimAtE cHaNgE" is all you can come up with as a reason.
The 2023 water year in California was one of the wettest in recent history, with several areas experiencing record rainfall:
- San Francisco: Received about 34 inches of rain, including a 10.3 inch wettest 10-day period in 25 years at the start of the year
- Downtown San Francisco: Received 17.64 inches of rain between December 26, 2022 and January 17, 2023
- SFO Airport: Set a 23-day rainfall record of 15.28 inches
- Oakland: Set a 23-day rainfall record of 18.33 inches
- Honeydew: Received 47.74 inches of rain since December 26, 2022
- Los Angeles: Received 52.46 inches of rain in the latest two water years, the second-highest amount in recorded history
- LAX: Received more than two-and-a-half inches of rain, smashing the previous record of 1.42 inches set in 1978