Well All My Gear May Be Destroyed...

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Adrian Smith and family lost their home in Malibu. His wife Natalie posted 2 videos.

Yes...There several familiar names in our world (rock / metal) that are either displaced or lost their homes. I'm assisting one of them with a plan to retrieve Coy Fish from their property as we speak...It's tough to get into these neighborhoods, particularly now that the National Guard has taken tactical command...But emergency medication and animal retrieval can get you through the checkpoints under the right circumstances.
Yes...There several familiar names in our world (rock / metal) that are either displaced or lost their homes. I'm assisting one of them with a plan to retrieve Coy Fish from their property as we speak...It's tough to get into these neighborhoods, particularly now that the National Guard has taken tactical command...But emergency medication and animal retrieval can get you through the checkpoints under the right circumstances.
That is awesome. Good luck and stay safe!
Yes...There several familiar names in our world (rock / metal) that are either displaced or lost their homes. I'm assisting one of them with a plan to retrieve Coy Fish from their property as we speak...It's tough to get into these neighborhoods, particularly now that the National Guard has taken tactical command...But emergency medication and animal retrieval can get you through the checkpoints under the right circumstances.

Having good neighbors like you is priceless......helping others in times like that.
Our city got major rain this past summer and thousands of homes got flooded. My basement had 5 inches of rainwater in it and was rising. My neighbor loaned me 2 pumps and he helped me get the water out. If it rose another 2 inches i would have lost everything in my basement (including my pedalboard?) but luckily we beat it.
When My Wife and I lived in NC mountains a few years ago (2018) ,I had flood waters come from within a inch of coming into my house! I told the Wife put everything worth anything up on the beds.
I knew it was coming, and I could not leave it was already too late because the road had disappeared.
So I grabbed a beer and went on the front deck. the water slowly started resending after about a hour! You can't fuck with mother nature

We moved 2 years back and Im glad we did. Cause this last flood from Helene put my old house 4 feet underwater!
I would have lost everything, so I think we got lucky(y)
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Adrian Smith and family lost their home in Malibu. His wife Natalie posted 2 videos.

A lot of celebrity homes appear to be toast unfortunately. I think Brad Paisley and Hairspray Ricki Lake also lost homes, among a bunch of others. People seem to get the idea some of these places are large luxury estates but a glance through Trulia shows a basic half assed home in the Palisades is over 2 million bucks. Houses that might cost 200-400k elsewhere is 2-4 million bucks there. But a lot of entertainment work is there so you gotta stay close where your job is at. Takes money to make money. Takes me back to how to make a small fortune in the entertainment world: start with a large one.
That sucks. I just saw Maiden about a month ago. In a blink of an eye things change so fast for people. It's so sad anytime this happens to people.
I was surprised Adrian had a place there. He's from UK and his wife is from Montreal. He probably has homes in a few places since Maiden pretty much tour everywhere.
as someone who doesent lean heavily one way or the other, its crazy to me how hyperpolitical people can get that if one side says "dont get on that ship, a storm is coming and you will no doubt sink", they get on the ship anyway just to go against the other side, end up sinking and being saved by the side that warned against, and then instead of saying "they were right on this one", they say fuck them and hop on another ship and do the same thing again. i dont get it
Like how Canada is sending firefighters and water bombers.
as someone who doesent lean heavily one way or the other, its crazy to me how hyperpolitical people can get that if one side says "dont get on that ship, a storm is coming and you will no doubt sink", they get on the ship anyway just to go against the other side, end up sinking and being saved by the side that warned against, and then instead of saying "they were right on this one", they say fuck them and hop on another ship and do the same thing again. i dont get it
Repeating the same non-conducive behavior & expecting different results is one sign of insanity.
Repeating the same non-conducive behavior & expecting different results is one sign of insanity.

"You have a lot of dumb rednecks spewing misinformation down there. I feel for you."

Yeah...so maybe I'm one of those rednecks that you're referring to who just happens to live in the heart of the Palisades fire. But here goes: It seems that that there have been a sentiment that the fire was 100% a function of democratic leadership. I have also read some information that stated that Newsome purposely drained a revivor that was desperately needed to supply water to firefighters. In my opinion, neither of these "facts" are 100% accurate...But there is a strong element of truth to both of them. Award winning journalist Michael Shellenberger posted an article today that is worth reading that contains relevant facts and figures that are largely undisputed. Please see below. I have also included a quote specifically addressing the drained reservoir below as well.

"Every hour that passes, more information emerges of the corruption, incompetence, and failure. A major reservoir in Pacific Palisades, an epicenter of the fires, was out of commission for minor repairs when disaster struck. Had it been in operation, water pressure would have lasted longer during critical hours, and many homes may have been saved."

I personally attended the community meeting / task force gathering in Westlake Village last night and discussed the situation and what led up to it with City Officials, Cal Fire personal and several members of local and State leadership. I can tell you that privately, Many of them are fully aware of the obvious mistakes that were made that contributed to the severity of this disiter. As I stated in a previous post, it is NOT political to tell the truth to facilitate transparency and ultimately accountability.

- Dumb Redneck
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I was looking at homes in Pacific Palisades on trulia and was struck by how many have thick vegetation right up to the doors and windows. Multiple trees hanging over roofs and over wooden decks. Many of the houses are basically sitting in or are directly adjacent to forested areas and brushy hillsides Steep hillsides that are very difficult to negotiate on foot. Greenery and gardens growing along the foundations and heavy growth all around the small yards. That's ripe for fires.
"You have a lot of dumb rednecks spewing misinformation down there. I feel for you."

Yeah...so maybe I'm one of those rednecks that you're referring to who just happens to live in the heart of the Palisades fire. But here goes: It seems that that there have been a sentiment that the fire was 100% a function of democratic leadership. I have also read some information that stated that Newsome purposely drained a revivor that was desperately needed to supply water to firefighters. In my opinion, neither of these "facts" are 100% accurate...But there is a strong element of truth to both of them. Award winning journalist Michael Shellenberger posted an article today that is worth reading that contains relevant facts and figures that are largely undisputed. Please see below. I have also included a quote specifically addressing the drained reservoir below as well.

"Every hour that passes, more information emerges of the corruption, incompetence, and failure. A major reservoir in Pacific Palisades, an epicenter of the fires, was out of commission for minor repairs when disaster struck. Had it been in operation, water pressure would have lasted longer during critical hours, and many homes may have been saved."

I personally attended the community meeting / task force gathering in Westlake Village last night and discussed the situation and what led up to it with City Officials, Cal Fire personal and several members of local and State leadership. I can tell you that privately, Many of them are fully aware of the obvious mistakes that were made that contributed to the severity of this disiter. As I stated in a previous post, it is NOT political to tell the truth to facilitate transparency and ultimately accountability.

- Dumb Redneck

Lol, quoting Shellenberger says it all.
"You have a lot of dumb rednecks spewing misinformation down there. I feel for you."

Yeah...so maybe I'm one of those rednecks that you're referring to who just happens to live in the heart of the Palisades fire. But here goes: It seems that that there have been a sentiment that the fire was 100% a function of democratic leadership. I have also read some information that stated that Newsome purposely drained a revivor that was desperately needed to supply water to firefighters. In my opinion, neither of these "facts" are 100% accurate...But there is a strong element of truth to both of them. Award winning journalist Michael Shellenberger posted an article today that is worth reading that contains relevant facts and figures that are largely undisputed. Please see below. I have also included a quote specifically addressing the drained reservoir below as well.

"Every hour that passes, more information emerges of the corruption, incompetence, and failure. A major reservoir in Pacific Palisades, an epicenter of the fires, was out of commission for minor repairs when disaster struck. Had it been in operation, water pressure would have lasted longer during critical hours, and many homes may have been saved."

I personally attended the community meeting / task force gathering in Westlake Village last night and discussed the situation and what led up to it with City Officials, Cal Fire personal and several members of local and State leadership. I can tell you that privately, Many of them are fully aware of the obvious mistakes that were made that contributed to the severity of this disiter. As I stated in a previous post, it is NOT political to tell the truth to facilitate transparency and ultimately accountability.

- Dumb

"You have a lot of dumb rednecks spewing misinformation down there. I feel for you."

Yeah...so maybe I'm one of those rednecks that you're referring to who just happens to live in the heart of the Palisades fire. But here goes: It seems that that there have been a sentiment that the fire was 100% a function of democratic leadership. I have also read some information that stated that Newsome purposely drained a revivor that was desperately needed to supply water to firefighters. In my opinion, neither of these "facts" are 100% accurate...But there is a strong element of truth to both of them. Award winning journalist Michael Shellenberger posted an article today that is worth reading that contains relevant facts and figures that are largely undisputed. Please see below. I have also included a quote specifically addressing the drained reservoir below as well.

"Every hour that passes, more information emerges of the corruption, incompetence, and failure. A major reservoir in Pacific Palisades, an epicenter of the fires, was out of commission for minor repairs when disaster struck. Had it been in operation, water pressure would have lasted longer during critical hours, and many homes may have been saved."

I personally attended the community meeting / task force gathering in Westlake Village last night and discussed the situation and what led up to it with City Officials, Cal Fire personal and several members of local and State leadership. I can tell you that privately, Many of them are fully aware of the obvious mistakes that were made that contributed to the severity of this disiter. As I stated in a previous post, it is NOT political to tell the truth to facilitate transparency and ultimately accountability.

- Dumb Redneck

There are always things that could be done better. I live in a fire prone area of BC too. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the frequency of fires affecting our towns has increased exponentially in the last decade? It's not all democrat incompetence. An entire town burnt down last summer in Alberta which is far right conservative.
How can I say this....
It's fucking climate change bro.
Explain how a bunch of greenies who allowed their properties to be covered in thick vegetation
Given that there's a lot of famous folks living there, they probably care about their privacy. And non-famous folks might care about that too...
So adding trees and other greenery in their yards is a...I'd say quite common and a historically tried and true method to prevent prying eyes of bypassers from gazing in their homes and lifes, aside from possibly adding to the general curb appeal of your home.

So to blame people for having trees and shrubs in their yards...nuh-uh dude. Don't go there. :censored:
There are always things that could be done better. I live in a fire prone area of BC too. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the frequency of fires affecting our towns has increased exponentially in the last decade? It's not all democrat incompetence. An entire town burnt down last summer in Alberta which is far right conservative.
How can I say this....
It's fucking climate change bro.
Ya know, there's this river in Egypt ...........
Since this is the bigger thread going on this topic and already has some political points in it, I figured Id post this here.

So it doesn't become an echo chamber of my own opinions, I'll listen to what both sides have to say about the same coin. It's amazing how polar opposite these 2 video's comments are on the same event. I'm sure the FULL truth is somewhere in the middle, but to me one video seems closer to the truth of the situation and the other seems more full of shit. Even though y'all probably know what I think about which is which, I'll let y'all watch and decide for yourself.

The first 10 or so minutes of the DeVory Darkins video is all you need to watch for the specific comparison. He still talks about the fires after that but isn't quite 1:1 for comparison to the Midas video.
