The Ronin is among my favorite amps, but not cheap and only one or 2 of their models really are that high gain or suited to more aggressive music
Geloso and Ates I actually haven't heard of. GEC as far as I'm aware are UK made tubes (I've got all their tube types too except for just their 5U4's, 6SN7 and 6L6G). I actually have one GEC 12AT7 made in India (was only $20) that also sounds quite good, but the admittedly overpriced UK version sounds better to me and also just different. GEC's are cool but imho overrated (they're prices can be nuts for some of them). Their TT21 KT88's are special though and IME by far the kings of KT88's I've had
Yeah I still like German tubes a lot despite them being in some ways sounding analytical or cold. Valvo's to me don't actually sound that German despite being from there. I hear them as sort of like a brighter bugle boy or smoother, creamier, more polite Siemens. I can see why some may not
The Ronin is among my favorite amps, but not cheap and only one or 2 of their models really are that high gain or suited to more aggressive music
Geloso and Ates I actually haven't heard of. GEC as far as I'm aware are UK made tubes (I've got all their tube types too except for just their 5U4's, 6SN7 and 6L6G). I actually have one GEC 12AT7 made in India (was only $20) that also sounds quite good, but the admittedly overpriced UK version sounds better to me and also just different. GEC's are cool but imho overrated (they're prices can be nuts for some of them). Their TT21 KT88's are special though and IME by far the kings of KT88's I've had
Yeah I still like German tubes a lot despite them being in some ways sounding analytical or cold. Valvo's to me don't actually sound that German despite being from there. I hear them as sort of like a brighter bugle boy or smoother, creamier, more polite Siemens. I can see why some may not like their midrange. One of my friend didn't care for it at all in the context of his mic preamp. He said it sounded cloudy to him. I don't know if they're must haves, but another flavor I sometimes like. Where I feel they really shine most are their EL84's and the EL34's are quite good too. A lot of Vox guys have Valvo's as their favorite EL84's. They're voicing I think just really aligns well with Vox's, but in some other EL84 amps I favor other brands more
The Ronin amps I listened to on youtube sound incredible. The layout and naming of the knobs is very different on some of the Ronin I've seen. Seems like a very unique design. I haven't kept up with anything made recently unfortunately.
Probably seen something relabeled from them and keeping it for note but Ates has a RCA connection and manufactured under license similar to Marconi, Radiotron, etc. all them crooked shell companies designed to get around laws and patents and save a buck. Geloso probably relabeled stuff. Blows my mind how they moved around equipment for tube manufacturing. Mullard and Philips to Matsuishita, Philips Holland i65 to Philips Canada i65, Philips Holland i66 to Philips Brazil i64 and i66, Voshkod to Sovtek to Shunguang and Sylvania to Westinghouse USA to Westinghouse Canada to like 4 more countries in Asia..... just a few of them for 12AX7. You have to pay to play and sometimes I think some tubes are justified. You have a lot of nice tubes.
That's a great way to describe Siemens and Telefunken. Siemens E83CC says it's designed for measuring right in the data sheet. Long life is nice. Super low noise and microphonics is what it's all about. Mostly gotten those out of high end equipment for avionics, communications, medical, military or some kind of labratory. Most of mine were purchased as surplus from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company more commonly known as CP Rail. Paper work says they were ordered directly from Siemens and to be used in their communications equipment. I think a lot of the European tubes share a lot of parts here or there like plates, getters and probably the internals but more importantly the engineers designing it so that's why there's some commoninality. Valvos are okay but never put serious time on them. Tubes are the weirdest thing and I cannot explain them but they just do their thing and I enjoy it. Some of the nuances are hard to detect and sometimes they're blatantly obvious.