What do you consider modern metal ?

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There is no modern metal. There is metal or there is no metal. A lot of current bands pretend to be metal and and parasitizing this word. Musicians who play drums, bass and guitars. Is this a met condition for metal? They don't even look like metal. Metal is THE energy that the band gives to the audience. And I miss energy in many so called metal bands nowadays.
That’s right. Laptops on stage and hair ties on headstocks are not metal.
There is no modern metal. There is metal or there is no metal. A lot of current bands pretend to be metal and and parasitizing this word. Musicians who play drums, bass and guitars. Is this a met condition for metal? They don't even look like metal. Metal is THE energy that the band gives to the audience. And I miss energy in many so called metal bands nowadays.
Turnstile is not metal but they have the perfect energy of a great metal band
Turnstile is not metal but they have the perfect energy of a great metal band
I never said that energy cannot occur in other genres. But I don't like bands without energy, which hide under the metal label.
However, turnstile is metal AF :)
Revocation is modern metal to me. Davidson's a beast. Great riffs, great leads.

But, I think some newer thrash kinda borders on modern as well, (in some cases), simply because the sound has gotten more brutal, riffs have gotten chunkier, but they still have their roots.. This tone is heavy AF.

Not exactly new, but modern in many ways to me. Fun band to say the least. I enjoy my grove metal.
for me modern metal started when the young "Core kids" came into the scene in the early-mid 2000's from the ashes of the flash in the pan nu-metal thing which was starting to die out by 03. when Euro metal bands like arch enemy, in flames, bodom, hypocrisy, etc were doing package tours with american bands that were more Hardcore influenced. Then all the sudden these young bands started popping up every fucking where combining the at the gates-ish gothenburg metal sound with elements of hardcore and even black metal with keyboards. then the internet band explosion happened and you could get easy exposure on soundcloud, myspace, etc. So many generic ass bands came out in that era, i lost track. Eventually the trend moved towards the time signature fetish, overly techy, overly progy, shred influenced stuff tool, dream theater, and meshuggah brought to the party. between the burried and me is a good example of that. there is a clear linage to me.

i loved gothenburg metal big time back then, but i did everything in my power to not sound like one of those bands with the band i was in. Looking back, i would have totally ripped off at the gates first, and beat bands like black daliah murder to it first. Sorry to all the current and past members of BDM that i'm aquantances with, but you know what you did lol.
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There is no modern metal. There is metal or there is no metal. A lot of current bands pretend to be metal and and parasitizing this word. Musicians who play drums, bass and guitars. Is this a met condition for metal? They don't even look like metal. Metal is THE energy that the band gives to the audience. And I miss energy in many so called metal bands nowadays.

You know, there's something to what you're saying. So here's an old man yelling at cloud rant to go along with it. A buddy took me to a metal show a couple years back. Yes the guitars were setup with a shitload of tight high gain, yes the chugs sounded great, yes there was a ton of clicky double bass hammering away, yes the singer was growling like he was doing his best impression of a kitchen sink disposal, etc.

But something wasn't right. The guys in the band, though they were tatted up and wearing black as per the rules of the Official Manual of Modern Metal, looked and acted more like hipsters (there was at least one man bun + new-off-the-rack plaid shirt combo between them) who all knew exactly what temperature to tell the Starbucks barista to make their lattes, than people who had something real to express, or had any fire in them.

At some point during the show, I can't remember the exact wording but one of the band guys on a mic between songs said something like "everybody having a good safe fun time out there tonight?" or something like that. The word "safe" stuck out. Then they went into the next song and people in the crowd started doing that idiotic bullshit thing where they pretend to angrily but safely (god forbid we're all not on our Sunday Best behavior) godzilla stomp around each other and throw fake punches into the air, all while the band got into their pre-rehearsed foot-on-the-monitor power stance poses and started throwing their heads around with way more exaggeration than anybody actually feeling music would do, etc. The whole thing felt contrived as shit.

I looked around and found myself no longer at a metal show, but a room full of children in their daddy's suits (the band included) pretending to be grownups and doing the happy fun time guitar distortion music that the tough big kids listen to. I felt like I was at a Disney Presents Metal show, clean and sanitized. Ugh.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the age of anybody there. Young people listening to aggressive music is awesome. I'm saying this show in particular show seemed to be a weird pantomime of metal with a lot of metal tropes, but no real spark. An actual heavy metal show feels like going to a Rally car race. Almost no regulation, people almost getting hit by cars around every corner, but still a strong sense of community. This show felt more like a go-kart race at the mall.

There are still a ton of people putting out great aggressive music and some of them happen to be metal albums, but there's definitely more than plenty of copy cat, dull, by-the-numbers distorted guitars and double bass drums music that somehow totally lacks the energy you're talking about but that masquerades as metal. Totally agree with that.
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Once I hear the doooowwwww of that low A, I’m out. Throw in some drum software and bad emo/screamo vocals and I’m well down the road. Hate it. I can hang with a good dirty riffing band at C or C#. But the ”I can play anything as long as it’s just being rhythmic trying to replicate a Star Wars blaster“ thing is as interesting as…shit, I got so bored just thinking about it.
The un-melodic pissed off cookie monster white dude vocals have become a standard trope that's now Boring af.
I can understand how Tom Araya created this but he had character and personality.
So many new metal oriented bands are so hard to differentiate from one anothe and this includes drum and guitar production.
I guess the modern version of Martin Birch is now Andy Sneap and that sucks.
I am really fucking old, here is the deal!

When Boston came out with their first album, that was the first time we heard the sound of modern metal guitar. There was nothing like that sound before, I remember it distinctly.

Then Van Halen came out and everything changed.

For most everyone, it was the first time that they proclaimed that they were 100% blown away by the sound and speed of the new guitar player. The people that were stuck on Eric Clapton, or Southern rock hated it.

Thus, modern metal was born right there and then.
Archspire is pretty nuts. They do some cool stuff. I just think the OGs like spawn of possession and necrophagist wrote WAY better songs.
Saw them last month open for Periphery. Te were a really fun band. They had people in the audience playing twister. They were powerful and tight as fuck.
The un-melodic pissed off cookie monster white dude vocals have become a standard trope that's now Boring af.
I can understand how Tom Araya created this but he had character and personality.
So many new metal oriented bands are so hard to differentiate from one anothe and this includes drum and guitar production.
I guess the modern version of Martin Birch is now Andy Sneap and that sucks.
I wouldn’t blame poor Tom. Black metal and Death Metal/Grind from the 80’s got that ball rolling.