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Lord Toneking":4b5a1 said:I was in high school then and I was buying doobies in the 'pit' (designated smoking area at school)
I would get 3 for $5, or 6 for $10
Ahhhhh the good ol days of cheap weed.
Lord Toneking":4b5a1 said:I was in high school then and I was buying doobies in the 'pit' (designated smoking area at school)
I would get 3 for $5, or 6 for $10
Ya but you had to smoke a joint to yourself to get high...one puff of the stuff nowadays and I'm seeing things.ejecta":3dc30 said:Lord Toneking":3dc30 said:I was in high school then and I was buying doobies in the 'pit' (designated smoking area at school)
I would get 3 for $5, or 6 for $10
Ahhhhh the good ol days of cheap weed.
haha...not for me, I've always been a lightweight I have'nt smoked in about 13yrs so I would'nt know what it's like nowdays I'd probably get so paranoid and have to call 911Randy Van Sykes":be9e4 said:Ya but you had to smoke a joint to yourself to get high...one puff of the stuff nowadays and I'm seeing things.ejecta":be9e4 said:Lord Toneking":be9e4 said:I was in high school then and I was buying doobies in the 'pit' (designated smoking area at school)
I would get 3 for $5, or 6 for $10
Ahhhhh the good ol days of cheap weed.
timbo":28d58 said:Kramers were all the rage for me back then. Just a junior in high school I could only afford a Focus 2000 though. I really wanted a Baretta. But, I did have one hell of a mullet and a rockin tude. It wasn't all a total loss I guess.
I used to smoke in high school, not all the time, just when it was offered....it's unbelievable how much we would smoke...you hit that point where you can't get any higher, you actually smoke yourself straight.Lord Toneking":a6b3f said:haha...not for me, I've always been a lightweight I have'nt smoked in about 13yrs so I would'nt know what it's like nowdays I'd probably get so paranoid and have to call 911Randy Van Sykes":a6b3f said:Ya but you had to smoke a joint to yourself to get high...one puff of the stuff nowadays and I'm seeing things.ejecta":a6b3f said:Ahhhhh the good ol days of cheap weed.
How old are you? I'm only 16.guitarslinger":3fa53 said:I get the feeling I'm one of the youngest people on rigtalk.
I had a white Ibanez flying V and a Peavey solid state Stereo Chorus 400 2x12 combo....first guitar and amp that I paid for, was damn proud.ratter":bcb40 said:I think it was around '86 or 87 that I got a red knob fender "Seventy-Five" combo for my birthday (I was 11), and a used Kramer that somebody had fingerpainted . I think it was an Aerostar. Total POS. It was $179, I remember that. And a few years later, I traded my saxaphone from the school band for a floyd rose and installed it myself using a hand-crank drill and a yardstick, and painted the guitar yellow. My guitar playing friends all had RG's and Crate combos and I always thought my yellow kramer and shitty amp sounded better!
CaseyCor":360e3 said:How old are you? I'm only 16.guitarslinger":360e3 said:I get the feeling I'm one of the youngest people on rigtalk.
I would've thought Ibanez would be higher on that list