diezel&gas":27xqam4a said:fran tic tic tac!
i'm not into midi things that much...so if i'm gioing to buy a rocktron midi mate...i need to know what to do just to make it work and not to damage anything![]()
diezel&gas":190vnfri said:fran tic tic tac!
i'm not into midi things that much...so if i'm gioing to buy a rocktron midi mate...i need to know what to do just to make it work and not to damage anything![]()
frantic77":7c2uu1op said:ground control pro costs way too much here in the EU
around 700euro in Italy
frantic77":1rhz59nv said:i use an old Proel Ms-16 and works great to me
i paid 80 euro for it (used one)
Jaymz82":3quqpwl6 said:diezel&gas":3quqpwl6 said:fran tic tic tac!
i'm not into midi things that much...so if i'm gioing to buy a rocktron midi mate...i need to know what to do just to make it work and not to damage anything![]()
Why are you the focused on the midimate? As far as I remember you don't need all those extra feature like expression pedals and stuff. The Nobels MF1 costs only about 60 or 70€ used and will work right out of the box with your Herbert. No worrying or anything.
diezel&gas":32fa7k1l said:frantic77":32fa7k1l said:i use an old Proel Ms-16 and works great to me
i paid 80 euro for it (used one)
bella frantic! dai aiutami tu! mi piace molto la rocktron, pero' pare che abbia i pin interni sballati per funzionare con l'herbert.... la nobels sara' ok ma di estetica mi fa ribrezzo con quei colori e costa come la rocktron....
purtroppo non ne capisco molto di elettrotecnica....altrimenti avrei gia' risolto![]()