Who's enjoying pride month

They just think because it's Pride month they can do what they want. I'm so sick of gay this gay that, transgender, bullshit. Get the fuck over it. 99% of people don't give a fuck so stop trying to involve everyone in your alternative life style. New Guy you can suck all the cock you want, you can suck cock 24/7 I don't give a fuck. But I don't really wanna hear about it.
The only time I ever hear a bout gay/trans this or that is when some reactionary douchebag is whining and crying about it.
I guarantee the is the only place he has heard anyone talk about sucking a cock so far this month
It's only like the 12th, dude.

1/12 = 8.3% of the year.

Lesbians, bi-sexuals, gays, trans-sexuals, and queers - that's gotta be quite a bit more than 8.3% of the adult population.
So what's the big fucking deal all you homophobes?
Nobody cares what you do in your own bedroom... People just don't wanna hear about, or have it shoved down their throats ( haha ).