I’ve never forced any of my views on anyone, let alone views against any LGBT… however, LGBT views are being forced upon me daily. ?.
Same with the past month regarding Asian American, Pacific Islander month. All of that shit was forced upon us, however, I didn’t see anything referencing Jews… who are a part of Asia ?
In elementary, middle and high schools in the SF Bay Area they really amp up the pride month stuff. They even asked kids to dress up in rainbow colors for one day to support the trans and gays.
They were made to watch “educational,” videos on trans and what it feels like to be trans, how to tell if you are trans, signs you are trans, etc. it stresses it’s ok and perfectly normal to be trans.
They are made to watch this in class. I would say that’s forced upon them.
I have nothing against the gay population, nor trans, but the fact that they have a month of celebration, and that their lifestyle is forced on kids is going too far. If people are gay they know it, I’m sure if you believe you were born in the wrong body it is quite obvious to you.
But, in the latest polls, 20% of the current generation says they identify As part of LGBT community. That’s 1 in 5!! No way it’s that high, I guarantee some of these kids are just dumb asses who want to irritate their parents.
I think the fact that they gave themselves a month to celebrate is a bit much. Everyone else has a day, but not them.
I will say this, I think it’s strange how they ask all the major sports leagues to wear rainbow jerseys and have pride night at the ballpark, hockey rink, or stadium is a bit much. I saw Klayton Kershaw refuses to wear the rainbow jersey and all the gay rights orgs immediately declared MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL has a MAJOR homophobia problem!
For such a small percentage of the population, they ask an awful lot. They ask the entire country to celebrate them for a month.