Who's enjoying pride month

Agreed brother :cheers:

What about Native American month? Or US Veterans month? Or mothers in general month?

I'm cool with whatever people want to do with their body parts as long as it doesn't affect kids. And don't force it on people.

BTW - the percentage is more like 7 or 8%, not 20%.

Lastly, what in the hell is this supposed to be? I will cite a US Flag Code, "The flag of the United States of America should be at the centre and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs." Our shit is getting batty I tell ya. :loco:

No hate. Just don't want it in my face. Don't need my daughter asking questions about rainbow flags and pride pins.

I Have some faggots in my family. They're cool about it.
No problem with them.
I hang out with them. We drink, go to balls games, smoke grass.
Most times you'd never know they like hard cock.
No hate. Just don't want it in my face. Don't need my daughter asking questions about rainbow flags and pride pins.
You could just explain to her that those things are to support a group of people that are wrongly discriminated against, that everyone should be treated equal, and let her know that it doesn't matter what people do in their lives as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
No hate. Just don't want it in my face. Don't need my daughter asking questions about rainbow flags and pride pins.

I Have some faggots in my family. They're cool about it.
No problem with them.
I hang out with them. We drink, go to balls games, smoke grass.
Most times you'd never know they like hard cock.
I can just picture yelling at the dinner table. Ruddy nose, cheeks red with spider veins, spittle and the odor of Jim Beam pour out of your mouth with each shouted phrase.

SoCal: Orange County Bans Pride Flags From Being Flown on County Properties​

California – The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted to ban pride flags from being flown outside county property, including public parks.

Supervisors voted to permit only U.S. government and military-related flags to be flown at county properties, effectively barring Pride flags.

The policy, by Supervisor Andrew Do, stipulates that only flags representing the U.S., state and county, as well as the flag for prisoners of war and military members missing in action, will be raised at county properties, including parks.
I think the kids will be just fine man. If they don’t grow up being told this stuff is weird, they will just think of their gay friend as Jimmy or the trans kid as Sydney.

The amount of “pride” being passed around is equal to the amount of hate against it.

If less people would treat them as 2nd class citizens, there would be less of a push to educate people about it
We will just agree to disagree on this.

To be clear, I don't hate gay (read LBGTQ+) people nor consider them second class citizens. I was just pointing out that it was odd to me that this group of people get a whole month, yet Native American Indians (for example) barely get 1 day - if you are counting Thanksgiving, and that is pretty much a bogus holiday anyway. Don't get me started on the way we treat (most) of our Veterans.
We will just agree to disagree on this.

To be clear, I don't hate gay (read LBGTQ+) people nor consider them second class citizens. I was just pointing out that it was odd to me that this group of people get a whole month, yet Native American Indians (for example) barely get 1 day - if you are counting Thanksgiving, and that is pretty much a bogus holiday anyway. Don't get me started on the way we treat (most) of our Veterans.

You know why Indians were the first people in America?

Because they had reservations!