Who's enjoying pride month

It's a cake. They didn't ask for any declarations on it.
This is bible thumping at its finest IMO.

My book tells me I should shun the gays so I will not mix flour, eggs, and sugar for them.
Either way that holier than thou prick is a bigot who doesn't deserve to run any business that serves the public.
In other words - you have no reasoned responses founded in the Constitution and the rights of free people to believe think and act in ways they see fit.
Yes the hacks in Colorado ruled against him - the United States Constitution sees it differently. It is not over.

And the case you reference here deals with a so- called trans person.
Do you support the government forcing someone to declare that a man has become a woman by his saying so? Against logic? Science? His religion? You grant the government that right? Really?
I support the government forcing someone to treat people that don't harm anyone with their lifestyle equally. IMO gay/trans are the same. They might not like my analogy even though they have my support but to me, it seems there's a wiring mix up. They don't just declare they are this or that for no reason or attention. They're born that way and I don't understand why it's so hard to respect and accept them for the way they are. They're harming absolutely nobody. The religion excuse is old and tired too. Either you're a good person that treats people fairly or you're not. Religion has nothing to do with it.
I support the government forcing someone to treat people that don't harm anyone with their lifestyle equally. IMO gay/trans are the same. They might not like my analogy even though they have my support but to me, it seems there's a wiring mix up. They don't just declare they are this or that for no reason or attention. They're born that way and I don't understand why it's so hard to respect and accept them for the way they are. They're harming absolutely nobody. The religion excuse is old and tired too. Either you're a good person that treats people fairly or you're not. Religion has nothing to do with it.
Gay/trans are the same thing?

Tell them that and watch the reaction - you do not know what you are talking about.
Oh like the right of trans people to believe and act in ways they see fit? :ROFLMAO: You just buried yourself!
You aren’t very good at this. Trans can believe and act as they please - no one is stopping them from dressing as women-
but they are not women and we don’t have to play along with their fetish.
You aren’t very good at this. Trans can believe and act as they please - no one is stopping them from dressing as women-
but they are not women and we don’t have to play along with their fetish.
Nobody has to do anything but they deserve to be treated equally which is what this discussion is about. Come on man don't be moving the goalposts.
Nobody has to do anything but they deserve to be treated equally which is what this discussion is about. Come on man don't be moving the goalposts.
How are so-called trans people treated differently?
How are gay people treated differently?
What you are overlooking is there is a growing push by gays against so-called trans people. They - mostly fucked up men prancing as women - are glomming on to what gays have achieved.
How are so-called trans people treated differently?
How are gay people treated differently?
It's fuckin plain as day to see FFS. Besides that, hasn't that question already been asked and answered at least once in this thread alone? Nevermind all the other threads that the subject of LGBTQIA2S+ have come up. You know the answer already so stop asking or go through nearly any thread in OTC to find the answers that you already know and are just wasting time asking for.
It's fuckin plain as day to see FFS. Besides that, hasn't that question already been asked and answered at least once in this thread alone? Nevermind all the other threads that the subject of LGBTQIA2S+ have come up. You know the answer already so stop asking or go through nearly any thread in OTC to find the answers that you already know and are just wasting time asking for.
Answered so many times in so many threads and so many posts and yet you can't quote a single one? Ok.
So instead of simply directing me to an earlier post or quoting one you now twice have taken the time to post anew at length that my question has been answered. Convincing!
