Funny, Cali is one of only two from them (Nolly the other) where I couldn't get settled in and finally gave up on them.
I haven't had my PC set-up in about a year, just amps until the Stomp a couple weeks back, and now a QC on the way.
I'm at the point I can overlook any shortcomings with the L6 because it's just so simple, and I don't mind just leaving
it on all day. By all accounts the Quad should be a step up in all aspects, and it's still as simple a setup.
Hmm. I agree with you, psychodave. I also don't think you are being a downer. Donnie also was talking about it being near impossible to get ripped off from reverb if you pay attention to the listing. I don't know if he is classically a troll or just has a superiority complex, but it is just as bad to automatically jump against people with a realistic idea of how Neural might respond. And I think that if Neural was to come back with a beneficial response to the user, then dave would be the first to be happy about that.I’m not Debbie downer, I just know from experience that companies rarely do anything right and always blame the consumer.
I’m sure the guy on TGP will post his results with neural... or they will send their lawyers after him to cease and desist. Character is tested when you’re up against it.
As I posted above my friends Quad cortex didn’t work.