Who's got the quad cortex?

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Funny, Cali is one of only two from them (Nolly the other) where I couldn't get settled in and finally gave up on them.
I haven't had my PC set-up in about a year, just amps until the Stomp a couple weeks back, and now a QC on the way.
I'm at the point I can overlook any shortcomings with the L6 because it's just so simple, and I don't mind just leaving
it on all day. By all accounts the Quad should be a step up in all aspects, and it's still as simple a setup.

I’m not Debbie downer, I just know from experience that companies rarely do anything right and always blame the consumer.

I’m sure the guy on TGP will post his results with neural... or they will send their lawyers after him to cease and desist. Character is tested when you’re up against it.

As I posted above my friends Quad cortex didn’t work.
Hmm. I agree with you, psychodave. I also don't think you are being a downer. Donnie also was talking about it being near impossible to get ripped off from reverb if you pay attention to the listing. I don't know if he is classically a troll or just has a superiority complex, but it is just as bad to automatically jump against people with a realistic idea of how Neural might respond. And I think that if Neural was to come back with a beneficial response to the user, then dave would be the first to be happy about that.
I want to believe the best of Neural, but you are right Dave, when you say it tests the character in situations like this. I want to believe the best of Neural. I hope that they have a positive reaction.
Donnie also was talking about it being near impossible to get ripped off from reverb if you pay attention to the listing. I don't know if he is classically a troll or just has a superiority complex.

I said 'near impossible'? Don't put words in my mouth.
I said that I've had a long run of good deals and maybe it's because of how I shop.
Maybe I'm just lucky.

Folks, DO NOT deal with Smash or Dave.
I have a really bad feeling about how they are as buyers or sellers.
I said 'near impossible'? Don't put words in my mouth.
I said that I've had a long run of good deals and maybe it's because of how I shop.
Maybe I'm just lucky.

Folks, DO NOT deal with Smash or Dave.
I have a really bad feeling about how they are as buyers or sellers.
Listen, bud. I don't care who deals with me. That's not why I am here. And I appreciate a lot of your posts especially on my threads as they are informative and have good content. But psychodave is a cool guy and it irritates me to see you color him in an unfavorable light. If being called out on something that I believe is a minor misstep gives you this harsh of a reaction, that is fine. But we don't have to be mortal enemies; you could just take a step back and look at your posts and ask yourself if you are being pompous or fair.
That's gonna be a hard sell around here brother, lmao.

Oh please, do tell!

For the record. My comments about Reverb are based on real experience - not BS.
Funny you mentioning fairness when your buddy Dave jumps right in with a "Neural's gonna screw the customer" post.

I've had nothing but great experiences with Neural for the past couple years so I'm gonna have their back.
Perhaps I misread your tone. Seemed you were being a dick to dave. But maybe not.
Folks, DO NOT deal with Smash or Dave.
I have a really bad feeling about how they are as buyers or sellers.

Nah, my character is worth more than any gear. I’ve never had any issues buying or selling here or anywhere else. I have 100% positive on eBay (only 311 transactions, and reverb only 45).

I have an 816 credit score. That should tell you everything. ?

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No mention of what the problem might be so it will be interesting to see what Neural finds when they open
his Quad up. There's 2,000 units in the field and at least five times that many captures that have been posted so
a unit getting fried via the capture process is an outlier at this point.

No mention of what the problem might be so it will be interesting to see what Neural finds when they open
his Quad up. There's 2,000 units in the field and at least five times that many captures that have been posted so
a unit getting fried via the capture process is an outlier at this point.

View attachment 75750

Just out of curiousity, do you work for Neural or are some sort of Beta tester for them?

Are you the owner of a Quad Cortex yourself?
If you do, how do you like it?
Just out of curiousity, do you work for Neural or are some sort of Beta tester for them?

Are you the owner of a Quad Cortex yourself?
If you do, how do you like it?
Don't work for them and have a unit in transit.
@Smashedguitarist @psychodave

My apologies for my previous posts.
Rather than just sticking up for Neural I added some snark on top. My bad.
Folks, DO NOT deal with Smash or Dave.
I have a really bad feeling about how they are as buyers or sellers.
Not cool Donnie B.... Everyone is entitled to their opinions... (including Psychodave) about anything and that does not reflect on their honesty and ethical business practices.

Dave is one of the OG members and has garnered mutual respect here. As far as buying and selling here on RT he is one of the truly solid members that one can expect a no BS transaction with, descriptions are correct and no bait and switch pricing and fast shipping.

Many here including me have done multiple deals with Dave and they all have been outstanding.
I just know from experience that companies rarely do anything right and always blame the consumer.

I don't know 'psychodave'.
I've kinda gotten to know Doug Castro and I've been dealing with the Neural
DSP folks for a while now so the benefit of the doubt went to them.
I jokingly responded to Dave's ridiculous hyperbole with some of my own.

Is the horse dead now?