Well-known member
Always great to see new products out there as it makes things better for us as guitarists.
And unless NDSP adds a lot more tweakability to the QC.
You may be missing the point, Donnie:This is one of MANY I think we'll see over the next 6 months. If you go back and watch enough of the XXX vs XXX videos
from throughout the years, and tally the scores, everything becomes a wash after a while.
Here's a pretty nice clip of a PRS Archon.
Back to your statement. I 100% disagree. I expect the amp models to have the same tweakability as the amps themselves
and so far that's what I'm finding. The BE has the exact same knobs and switches as the analog amp - although it is
3 separate presets (clean, BE, HBE) - each mimics the amps controls.
What more would you want?
It was a blind A/B.
Tone and feel were scored.
In your case with your hearing loss, feel would still matter IMHO.
Two guys who own the QC have compared it to an Atomic, which is not something I'd want to hear out of a $1600 modeler.
Sorry mate; I thought you did and that's why I suggested the feel factor might matter more to you.I never said I had hearing loss. I spent 30 years in audio and I'd put my ears up against anyone here.
Natural loss plus high-SPL damage? Sounds like hearing loss to me, bro'.I'm almost 61 with natural hearing loss coupled with the damage done via gigging SPLs.
Even if it's just a frequency-spectrum-perception change, that still amounts to loss, brother.
Seems to work just-fine. There's too much messing about with the super-high end these days anyway I reckon.
The Kemper isn’t going anywhere. It’s still the best sounding digital option on the market. QC has a great form factor, but tone sells.Cliff Chase and Christophe Kemper better both start studying up on ergonomics for the 21st century
because after folks get to play with the QC I doubt they will ever again fork over $1,000+ for a Fractal
or Kemper type hardware system in their current forms.
Will review tones later since I've only been hanging on preset #001 all afternoon (a 2203 model).
Lots of ego involved and a few will argue over stupid shit that can't even be quantified in such a way to be proven either way.
This sounds horrible. I hope this doesn't happen around these parts.
Post 95 you say "I'm almost 61 with natural hearing loss coupled with the damage done via gigging SPLs."I never said I had hearing loss. I spent 30 years in pro-audio and I'd put my ears up against anyone here.
I'm not a frequency analyzer though, which is almost what you'd need these days to quantify any differences
between units that weren't partially based on personal taste and/or inherent bias.
That test WAS NOT a blind A/B. Very far from it. Results still stand on their own though.