This is one of MANY I think we'll see over the next 6 months. If you go back and watch enough of the XXX vs XXX videos
from throughout the years, and tally the scores, everything becomes a wash after a while.
I did a poll over on TGP a couple years ago that had options for the big three: Kemper, Axe-III, and Helix.
1. Bought XXX and still own it.
2. Bought XXX and ended up selling it.
Let the poll run for about 2 weeks and got lots of replies. Wanna guess which unit had the best retain value and which got moved the most?
I'm not going to post any clips of the QC, since there's already a ton of them that have much better production value than I can get.
I'm almost 61 with natural hearing loss coupled with the damage done via gigging SPLs. I was ready to hang with the HX Stomp out of pure
convenience. Sounds aside, the QC kills it in every other respect. Haven't played a Kemper in over a year, and my last Fractal was an AX8
close to 10 years ago so it'd be stupid for me to try and tell anyone about XXX vs XXX from a sound standpoint.
If I can close my eyes while playing, and the next thing you know 5 minutes have flown by, then it sounds good.
The fact I turned it on and was happy to explore the unit with the tones from the first stock preset says a lot.
(mostly that Neural was smart to put a really killer amp model in slot 001 as a first impression!
