RIFF WARZZZZ!!!!!!!! Mutually Assured DestructionZZZZZZZ!!!!!!! ENTRIES ADDED TO FIRST POST

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It's hard to even keep track of this with the total page long sucking each other off wars in the comments. This is the furthest thing from a war I've ever seen. It's like a pajama party where everyone shares the same cheese snacks.

Dare I say it seems like... a few of you have even designated this a "safe place" for your feelings and man, it makes me sick. ?

This is when I'd fly over head and drop bombs on all your little cheese niblets if I could and break up all this hand holding lets sing kumbiya together bullshit.

Being nice, okay cool. But this is mashed potatoes levels of soft in here.
View attachment 377897
What started as a riff war offshoot, has somehow turned into a whole emotional support group for grown men where youre just stroking eachother off to feel warm and cozy inside. Dafuq. ???

yea because supporting each other in creative endeavors and being positive is definitely not a good thing to do

the only thing you're worthy of is being blocked.

find some peace in your life dude, you've got serious issues.
It's hard to even keep track of this with the total page long sucking each other off wars in the comments.
It's hard to even keep track of this with the total page long sucking each other off wars in the comments. This is the furthest thing from a war I've ever seen. It's like a pajama party where everyone shares the same cheese snacks.

Dare I say it seems like... a few of you have even designated this a "safe place" for your feelings and man, it makes me sick. ?

This is when I'd fly over head and drop bombs on all your little cheese niblets if I could and break up all this hand holding lets sing kumbiya together bullshit.

Being nice, okay cool. But this is mashed potatoes levels of soft in here.
View attachment 377897
What started as a riff war offshoot, has somehow turned into a whole emotional support group for grown men where youre just stroking eachother off to feel warm and cozy inside. Dafuq. ???
Just wait for my clip before you declare that shit, bud
yea because supporting each other in creative endeavors and being positive is definitely not a good thing to do

the only thing you're worthy of is being blocked.

find some peace in your life dude, you've got serious issues.

You're not getting the point.

Its okay.

The riff WAR idea is suppsoed to be kinda... you know.... a war.

You can be friends in every other fucking post in the forum, in every other topic, you can be supportive and suck each other off in thousands of other ways here....

But you wanna do it in the riffwar?

This isn't why I came on here and started calling people out. It was fun but it was also purposeful and you can't have some Easter bunny ass pet my head format and associate it with a riff war.

This is a riff friendship. You guys are taking up 3 pages at a time with "thanks bro, yeah dude, you dont suck bro, ahhh dude your sound is totally not bad it's so unique bro, ah dude brah I never played this fast, it's okay bro I'll rub your asshole while you learn, ahh thanks man wow we are really like family, brah dude you're a natural dude never give up bro yeah dude I admire you"


This is a riff friendship. You guys are taking up 3 pages at a time with "thanks bro, yeah dude, you dont suck bro, ahhh dude your sound is totally not bad it's so unique bro, ah dude brah I never played this fast, it's okay bro I'll rub your asshole while you learn, ahh thanks man wow we are really like family, brah dude you're a natural dude never give up bro yeah dude I admire you"
"It's supposed to be a riff WAR guys lol"

"No I wont post any real recordings, here's a shirtless instagram video because i'm a talentless fucking faggot lol i'm CuckNorris"
"It's supposed to be a riff WAR guys lol"

"No I wont post any real recordings, here's a shirtless instagram video because i'm a talentless fucking faggot lol i'm CuckNorris"

Awwe, lil baby go wah wah?
Can't scratch the itch that is ChuggNorris can yee? ???
Honestly I think you won this one. I haven't heard really much being posted that competes other than shred noodling which doesn't do a whole lot for me either way.
Your chugga chugga only methods make me think you are incapable of lead guitar work. You're basically a hobbyist with decent chugga chugga meter. That was a compliment but you'd be one of those "I play RHYTHM guitar in this band broh" types except you don't have a band.
Your chugga chugga only methods make me think you are incapable of lead guitar work. You're basically a hobbyist with decent chugga chugga meter. That was a compliment but you'd be one of those "I play RHYTHM guitar in this band broh" types except you don't have a band.

I can write leads and have, but I'm not a shreddy wanker solo player at all for sure. Not all, but alot of those guys usually can't write a good groove or thrash song. Of course there are exceptions, but none I've seen here. James hetfield probably a good example, you'd look dumb saying that and he doesn't shred either, but does lead licks... so put your statement into context.... edit... fuck it its cool. I must call you out soon. Very soon.

Many thank
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I can write leads and have, but I'm not a shreddy wanker solo player at all for sure. Not all, but alot of those guys usually can't write a good groove or thrash song. Of course there are exceptions, but none I've seen here. James hetfield probably a good example, you'd look dumb saying that and he doesn't shred either, but does lead licks... so put your statement into context.... you sound fhcking dumb.

Many thank
Hey Mozart, pre planning your "leads" days and weeks ahead of time and playing them like a robot isn't the same as improvising them on the spot with feeling and conviction. I sound dumb to you but you sound like a hobbyist to everyone. Your guitar "solos" would be like me running a bead full of slag, voids, and spatter and calling myself a pro fabricator so shut your pie hole and go practice your scales. :LOL:
Awwe, lil baby go wah wah?
Can't scratch the itch that is ChuggNorris can yee? ???

Well, get your computer fixed and join the fun and post a track, that will scratch the itch ?

You still have like a week according to lisas rules

Hey Mozart, pre planning your "leads" days and weeks ahead of time and playing them like a robot isn't the same as improvising them on the spot with feeling and conviction. I sound dumb to you but you sound like a hobbyist to everyone. Your guitar "solos" would be like me running a bead full of slag, voids, and spatter and calling myself a pro fabricator so shut your pie hole and go practice your scales. :LOL:

Playing in non metal bands has given me an appreciation for improvisation that i didn't have before - all of my leads on my tracks are improvised now. Normally I give it two or three takes and that's it

It's not as tight or perfect as it could be, but it also has more FEEEEEEL (the biggest jerk would be proud) and vibes
Hey Mozart, pre planning your "leads" days and weeks ahead of time and playing them like a robot isn't the same as improvising them on the spot with feeling and conviction. I sound dumb to you but you sound like a hobbyist to everyone. Your guitar "solos" would be like me running a bead full of slag, voids, and spatter and calling myself a pro fabricator so shut your pie hole and go practice your scales. :LOL:

Nah, i can definitely out riff you.

So... whatever ?