Using the MIDI on these amplifiers can I change just the channels or can I change the channels and its modes too (Clean, Fat, Tweed... Mark IIB, IIC+, IV)?
I have sold all my amps and keep just the CCV and the Yamanha THR 30II for practice with headphones, maybe I would by the new Mesa MarkVII.
Guitars which sounds good I have kept because it is hard to find.
They came in my Suhr Tiger 80's and the guitar sounded a bit sterile.
I changed it to Dimarzio Gravity Storm and the guitar became a lot better, with more bass, mids and punch.
If you have choice, play they before you buy.
I was waiting for a next batch arrives here in Brazil to make a blind purchase.
Fortunately I played a 20th before they arrive and close the deal.
I couldn't handle with the blanket in front the speakers.
So I let it slide.