wow thanks for the PSA
i've always heard that the Parker Fly was "over" engineered
it makes sense that due to the product that getting frets reset could be an issue specially given the design of the neck, etc
man this is tough... for the hairband stuff, Akira Takasaki which is Rhoads and VH for rhythm's, and then VAI for leads
for the BROOTZ and Chugs - VADER and Decapitated! which is basically EVH and 5150's :P
i'm sure i'm in the minority here, but we all run modelers to FOH and into our band's IEM mixer, including the drum mics (and levels)
all our stuff is preset before we even get to the venue no matter the size
it's saved a ton of arguments (on-stage and pre-show) :p
HUGE Rush nerd here- definitely one of my first prog bands and have awesome memories of seeing them in the 80's
so good and so influential
that performance is great - so difficult to nail down the timing and groove
if it needs it (at a gig) boost it.
IMHO the MB Mk series have "enough" tone shaping to prevent me from goosing the front end or having to shave off frequencies.
BUT i've had to do that at certain gigs where the FOH is giving me grief
ok just viewed the John Browne demo....
the Syn 6505 is really good... wow!
brighter in the mids than the OG script logo - if i didn't have the original...this would be on the "buy" list for sure!!
Browne Demo
love to hear your reaction IMHO so many of these YT reviewers are either paid too much to endorse/demo or just aren't providing all of the insights that hi-gain players need (audiences vary of course)
i haven't seen PT's demo, but Pete's not exactly about the brootz...(love PT though!)
did Ola...