A little LBGTQ fodder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Strandberg Junkie
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This is a really weird thread and also a weird topic :dunno:
Right? CUntz is on his/her way though, he/she doesn’t even have to tuck any more.

day 2
pages 7
replies 126
Bringing your daughter and grand-daughter into a guitar forum as a thread. :loco: You know some day you will be done, and they may have to see this and live with it.

None of it looks good for you yet you just keep going...and going....and going.

Like the Energizer bunny. I guess that's your thing though so rock out with your ____ out!
At this point I think we're just a bunch of assholes aimlessly shit talking one another :ROFLMAO:

Personally I'm plumbing the depths of everyone's soul here for chapters in a book I'm writing.
Each one centers on a specific member.
I'm up to number 14 and could you some help with the title.
Any suggestions?

XIV - Picasso: The ___________________________________________ of Rig Talk

Bringing your daughter and grand-daughter into a guitar forum as a thread.

You're like a fucking hall monitor following me around and taking notes.
I really don't care about your opinion.
The thread has generated a lot of discussion among the adults in the room.

Go hound some other member now, OK?
Personally I'm plumbing the depths of everyone's soul here for chapters in a book I'm writing.
Each one centers on a specific member.
I'm up to number 14 and could you some help with the title.
Any suggestions?

XIV - Picasso: The ___________________________________________ of Rig Talk


what's the guy's name that Robin Williams plays in One Hour Photo? The creep that hangs on to people's pictures?
Bringing your daughter and grand-daughter into a guitar forum as a thread. :loco: You know some day you will be done, and they may have to see this and live with it.

None of it looks good for you yet you just keep going...and going....and going.


Hey, 311Splawndude👍

This is exactly what happens, when you call Donnie out on something/anything,
- he desperately tries to shame you.

He will tell you that you are hounding him, something he does 100% of the time on all the gear forums.
View attachment 197761

Hey, 311Splawndude👍

This is exactly what happens, when you call Donnie out on something/anything,
- he desperately tries to shame you.

He will tell you that you are hounding him, something he does 100% of the time on all the gear forums.
Yep, 311Splawndude should probably be expecting an ultimatum via PM from Chuckles soon.
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Yep, 311Splawndude should probably be expecting an ulimatum via PM from Chuckles soon.

Do you know how many people he has messaged on here, trying to befriend them?!
You would be surprised dude, it’s TGP all over again. He does this on all the gear forums.
I guess this is inevitable when your view points are fucking ridiculous nonsense. You try to gain as much traction and support as you can.