A little LBGTQ fodder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Strandberg Junkie
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Wow! A science feat for a male. Multiple prostates? Are you a Siamese quadruplet?

1 human + 1 dog = 2 prostates

A different perspective on the issue.

Was hanging with my 4 year old granddaughter and she showed me a picture she drew of the family.
She pointed me out and my pants had been randomly colored in pink.

Without thinking I said to her, "Boys don't wear pink!"
From the next room my daughter immediately replied, "What's that Grampy?"
Caught her drift and corrected myself, "I mean I don't like pink. Some boys might."

And that was the end of it.

Excellent parenting right there IMO.
What say you?
Question. Daughter brings 4 year old grandson to visit and he's wearing a dress. What do you say to your daughter ?
Daughter brings 4 year old grandson to visit and he's wearing a dress.

Sounds like a Jerry Springer episode. :ROFLMAO:

Can't relate to the question in the slightest.
Not the type of relationship we have in our family.
Inbred Beta Alt! Still going strong with the man-child poopie jokes, let's see those memes! You should be happy though, Dummy B gave you two laughing emojis! :hys:

After your Father aborted, and flushed you, this filthy bastard raised you

And you became "Picasso" member the Middle-age Mutant Ninja Turds