I’m here on my own will so I’m not really talking shit, but this place is an interesting microcosm of the internet. Not even “this place”, just the core 20 posters or so in this section. it’s a place where science is leftist. It’s a place where I’m told I live in a fantasy world because I think some people voted for Biden because he wasn’t Trump.
That comment elicited the same reaction as someone else comparing Trump to Hitler lol. It’s massively skewed. Generally speaking, none of my “opinions” here are provocative. People did actually land on the moon. More than once in fact.
Greenhouse gases do actually warm the earth. No one outside of randos on the internet have disputed that.
Trump is in fact egotistical. It’s what I liked about him until he was the leader of the free world.
It’s not surprising the butthurt over the drag queen stuff, but as said you guys are so far skewed you can’t accept that someone else can have a “live and let live” attitude towards something that you hate so much, so it must be an agenda.
Anyways, I don’t deny my part in continuing the disagreements, but they only start because people love arguing with me. I typically don’t sling back the insults that are fired at me and I don’t go looking for fights, so you guys can either ignore me or except your fate for trying to disprove something that has already been proven to be correct by thousands of people before me.