Biden tests positive for COVID

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Funny, cause I was pointing out that plants thrive in high CO2 environments, not saying that you climate crazies are trying to eliminate CO2, which Krull kinda proved me wrong. Regardless, you didn’t respond to the main point, which is that greenhouse gas emissions are inextricably linked to aerosol and particulate emissions. So your idea that we can limit one and not the other and maintain your climate theory over direct empirical evidence is just stupid.

Since I’m out having a cigarette I’ll unpack the rest of this hot mess. I still think Krulls video was about eliminating co2 admissions. I’d be happy to see something saying otherwise. Personally that’s I nice thought but nothing I would champion for.

2ndly you can play up the link between greenhouse gases all you want but still doesn’t change that you brought it up to try and show that greenhouse gases do not warm the planet, and you failed at that.

Also the study you are so seemingly hard for explicitly says that aerosols are bad thing should not be used to combat climate change. I think it was towards the end so you might not have gotten there yet.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
I know. I thought you meant that they needed it to live, because that what you actually said.
If you want to say climate change is beneficial for plants I suppose you could run with that. Still would be a total straw man though
you brought it up to try and show that greenhouse gases do not warm the planet, and you failed at that.
That’s not at all what I was trying to show. I was highlighting that the best evidence we have is that reducing human emission producing activity did not cool the plant. Instead, it warmed it. I don’t see why that simple fact is so hard for you to grasp, other than it directly contradicts climate crazies’ justification to control people.
explicitly says that aerosols are bad thing should not be used to combat climate change

That’s not at all what I was trying to show. I was highlighting that the best evidence we have is that reducing human emission producing activity did not cool the plant. Instead, it warmed it. I don’t see why that simple fact is so hard for you to grasp, other than it directly contradicts climate crazies’ justification to control people.

If you think that is the best evidence, then I think we are done here
If you think that is the best evidence, then I think we are done here
Fine with me, but I’m curious what evidence you are aware of that is better than a worldwide, real-life “Experiment.” Computer models? 🤣
Fine with me, but I’m curious what evidence you are aware of that is better than a worldwide, real-life “Experiment.” Computer models? 🤣
Because you are saying that one study that covers like 10 months should trump hundreds of years and an endless number of studies that show what added co2 does to the climate. Even your study claims it
why did you post it then?
Because one camp of climate crazies are contradicting another. I’m sure they’ll carve out an exception though for fellow scientists trying to save us by polluting the atmosphere.
Because you are saying that one study that covers like 10 months should trump hundreds of years and an endless number of studies that show what added co2 does to the climate. Even your study claims it
I’m saying that 10 months of decreased human emission producing activity increased global temps. Everything else is hypothetical.
Because one camp of climate crazies are contradicting another. I’m sure they’ll carve out an exception though for fellow scientists trying to save us by polluting the atmosphere.

No not really. You have a very active imagination
So stop trying to prove me wrong with facts unrelated to what you are trying to prove wrong lol. You are a walking straw man
Everyone should stop trying to prove you wrong period, because no matter what, you'll come up with some other off the wall bullshit which you will claim is a fact, but that everyone besides you is too stupid to understand, It's like arguing with a woman. I mean exactly like arguing with a woman. There's just no fucking point because no matter what you will slide out of it and into some other shit no one except you even understands what you're saying. You seriously have a thing where you think you're the smartest person in the room. And you call Trump a narcissist.
Everything is disputable. If Christ's feet walking on God's green earth is disputable for some people, then everything can be disputed. I mean, you just used his name as a pejorative.
Everything he says is not disputable. He's the smartest mother fucker on the planet.
Everything he says is not disputable. He's the smartest mother fucker on the planet.
I’ve said it before, but it’s damn near pathological. Regardless, who gives a shit, we’re all a little effed up (I am anyways) and I have fun with the back and forth. Anusrar, keep on keepin’ on. 🤣👍❤️