Buyer drama, lets let rig talk decide.

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dooredge":2xw0e306 said:
bionicmark":2xw0e306 said:
Stand by gentleman.. This Jerry character is off the wall..

I will be home soon & address this properly w/ more emails from
this psychopath and more pictures of the amp in question. Nice black headshell. That was supposed to be mine but he claims that Mojo had stiffed him on shipping it to him on time, so I reluctantly took the purple headshell. More on this later. His recent post is filled with so many lies I can't even fathom where this guy is coming from.



You can't be 100% on either side in those situations
It's always grey
And now, making this stuff public, it's a bloody mess
I've read through this whole thing and my assessment is that Mark has done no damage to his reputation and should probably just let this be.

After reading Jerry's response as he popped back into this thread, it seems that Jerry has learned from this experience and that he realizes he made some mistakes and seems to be copping to them and will take that lesson forward with him.

I don't know Jerry's exact situation but as a small business man in this economy, it's not uncommon to be living hand to mouth. The payment for that amp could have come at a time when Jerry had to pay rent or taxes and it was gone as quick as it came in. The need to do a refund could have come at the absolute worst time for him. Sometimes when you are feeling that weight over your head it can cause you to get a little stressed out and maybe post a thread when you probably shouldn't have.

As I read through this whole thread, I was just waiting for Jerry to come back into it with both guns blazing and I couldn't turn away like it was a bad accident. But the way Jerry came back in was not what I expected. I admire him for that. I'm happy Mark got his money back. I'm happy Jerry sold the amp and the guy who bought it digs it.

This thread could have easily gone 9 pages and Jerry could have just blown up everything he has been working so hard for. In my mind, that didn't happen.
And Jerry, I'd remove Mark's full name from your first post.
maddnotez":331a8pn2 said:
Ill be completely honest in my opinion. I was on Jerry's side after reading his first post.

Then after seeing mark's reply i was 100% on mark's side.

But now after seeing this.

jerrydyer":331a8pn2 said:
when I say I value your opinions, I mean it. Thank you very much for the input. The options he says were offered were not options they were an order on how things were to be resolved. he never let me , fix, mod, adjust, switch models, nothing.

the P.T not fitting right is because he got a free O.T. upgrade ( Plexi Spec) and I had to switch spots. to me those tabs are trivial but, to each his own. I have a couple other customers who i also did the upgrade for and told them about the tabs. No problem.

Anyways like I said I value your opinions no matter what.. Lesson learned, thank you for the input.

jerrydyer":331a8pn2 said:
the exact amp is in the hands of another guy here who is very happy with it so no need to salvage. It has a lot of cool features and upgrades. In fact I took another order last night and have the money available to pay mark. If he could have either waited just a little longer OR perhaps called me to discuss whats going on.

And BTW, this amp was damaged in ship. Buyer gave me no opp to look it over. Both masters were jacked and the clipper circuits attached to them were jacked up causing noise. I have shipped basically in triple boxes and still have things damaged by fed ex and the like. They throw shit. All new headboxes are all one inch deeper to accommodate either location for either P.T. or O.T.

Its all good. My mistake. I'll take my lumps. My bad.
rig talk has decided and I respect it.

It leads to mroe questions and probably more crap...

Did Mark know about the transformer not being compatible up front?

If so then shame on mark, if not then sorry Jerry you should have been upfront, maybe a yes I can do the upgrade but this is how the transformer will look.

PS....I have worked at UPS and Fedex both and people do throw shit..Like seriously no joke. Ive seen people purposely try to break shit because they do not like their job and I have rcvd several shipments from UPS damage.

it was thrown and damaged for sure. And I do believe the transformer issue was discussed. A couple other customers have that issue and could care less. one has had a new headbox with the new dims sent to him. I inch deeper now. A phone call to chat about my situation and delays would have been nice. One call. Anyone who has left me quick message will confirm quick responses.
jerrydyer":2tky8464 said:
A phone call to chat about my situation and delays would have been nice. One call. Anyone who has left me quick message will confirm quick responses.

Jerry, i don't have a dog in this race, but I know for me I would prefer to have things go through email just so there is some documentation that I can fall back on. Ideally a phone call with an email follow-up for documentation would have been the best. Not only is that good for the customer, but also for you to cover your ass, you're not even sure yourself if the transformer issue was discussed.
jerrydyer":1etr0xtm said:
One call. Anyone who has left me quick message will confirm quick responses.

Except in this case, not when it's an email? You say you were sick, but able to post to the forum but not able to respond to Mark's emails? You were available over the phone, but not available via email? In this day and age, if I'm in bed sick, there's a good chance I have my computer with me. Or at the very least, get up once or twice a day to check my email.

it was thrown and damaged for sure

How do you know when that damage happened? Could it have happened during the return shipment back to you?
Chubtone":2vaohsa7 said:
This thread could have easily gone 9 pages and Jerry could have just blown up everything he has been working so hard for. In my mind, that didn't happen.

Easy there, Curt. The thread is still live and the fat lady has yet to sing. :lol: :LOL:
Hopefully this will be the last of this.

Jerry Dyer - "he never let me , fix, mod, adjust, switch models, nothing. the P.T not fitting right is because he got a free O.T. upgrade ( Plexi Spec) and I had to switch spots. to me those tabs are trivial but, to each his own. I have a couple other customers who i also did the upgrade for and told them about the tabs. No problem."

Me - There's no need for a chance to make it right , per say. You shipped the amp knowing that it looked that way the first time & you were "o.k." w/ it. That , to me , represents how you do business. I just wanted my money back after that & felt no need to ship the amp back to the west coast for repairs. You did mention the transformer upgrade, which I thought, ok..what's it even being upgraded from, but went with it under your recommendation. You , however NEVER mentioned that it wouldn't fit properly on the chassis & cause the back cover to bow out...EVER.

Jerry Dyer - "In fact I took another order last night and have the money available to pay mark. If he could have either waited just a little longer OR perhaps called me to discuss whats going on.
And BTW, this amp was damaged in ship. Buyer gave me no opp to look it over. Both masters were jacked and the clipper circuits attached to them were jacked up causing noise. I have shipped basically in triple boxes and still have things damaged by fed ex and the like. They throw shit. All new headboxes are all one inch deeper to accommodate either location for either P.T. or O.T."

Me - WTFF??? You had 3 months to refund my money back...You didn't. Plain & simple. I shipped the amp back to you AUGUST 2nd! How convenient you miraculously take an order last night & you were seconds to squaring up w/ me.. Really??
The amp was never damaged...ever. Him saying that is him trying to cover his ass for doing shoddy work. To the gentleman who has it now , congrats to you. I wasn't so lucky.

Jerry seeing how everyone's responses is in my favor , & asking him why he would ship an amp like that, not give a refund for a defective amp, bad mouths me in emails , & comes here looking for validation in the first place...realizes he's committed business suicide - changes his tune & story so he doesn't look like such a jerk.. more on this in a new post..

Here are pictures of the way it was shipped to me & how I shipped it be the judge:

Box1 - amp is wrapped in bubble wrap & in this box:

Then box1 is warapped in more bubble wrap seen here:

Then box 1 wrapped in bubble wrap goes in box 2 that contains EVEN MORE bubble wrap:

Here is a better picture of the transformer & "warped" cover (sitting on top of the amp)

Like everyone has said...unacceptable craftsmanship..yet Jerry thinks it's "OK!"
Now..while he's trying to change his tune & play the good guy...I get this email..

again , unaltered or edited even for his bad grammar. I numbered them 1, 2, 3, in the order that they were received/sent

Now with this particular email..START AT THE BOTTOM:
His true colors are shinning here. What an honest guy! (sarcasm) - You guys can choose to do business with him..I know I NEVER will again.

3.From: "jerry dyer" <>
To: "Mark"
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:05:13 PM
Subject: Re: Paypal

I'm talking about pay pal not your credit card co. Man your thick headed. !!. Why should I allow pay pal to deduct 1019 from my account when I only owe what? $850. I dont think i should have to eat the original shipping either so I put it at $750

Thanks but life is going just fine outside of the occasional anal retentive jackass.

2. On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 12:25 PM, Mark <> wrote:
I can't even believe what I just read.
I did not rip off my credit card. They are protecting me from small business owners like yourself who do not do good business. They have already favored my side in this dispute. I spoke to Kimberly from Visa this morning and she will be removing the $200 that is not mine, which is the right thing to do. I've already received my money from the Visa chargeback. You closing your credit union account that is linked to your PayPal so they cannot hold your funds, is downright dishonest..but that's on you.. Your last statement in your email just shows you what kind of person you are. Taking money that certainly does not belong to you one bit. Good luck in life Jerry.I hope things turn around for you.

Sent from my iPhone

1.On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:19 PM, jerry dyer <> wrote:

I'm sure I will win the dispute after the detailed message and documentation I sent but regardless, I disconnected my credit union from Pay Pal just to be safe.
So basically, you ripped off your own credit card. I guess I should thank you for the $800 or so?
jcm800x4":1wzf1n2j said:
This is the amp in question in her new dress and new home with her new friends.

This is NOT my amp..I purchased a CM100 . Your photo shows a AKA100.

Here's my amp before on Jerry's couch apparently just before he shipped it.

Not sure if you're his buddy & trying to help him or what not...but the amp in you picture is NOT the one I purchased. AKA100 & CM100 are totally 2 different amps!

rocknrolla":1eme26xb said:
Why is this being discussed on a public forum?

Unfortunately , the manufacturer (Jerry Dyer) brought it here. I was already reimbursed by my Visa card & happy to move on..but then he started this thread. And since I didn't do anything wrong & he's making lies & accusations about me..I feel the need to set the record straight..It's unfortunate , but not my fault.
Jerry, there's an old saying - "When you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING."

Learn it.

You should have NEVER aired this publicly - it is on the Internet forever now. Based on all that I've seen and read here, even if you were in the right, the way you conduct yourself as a businessman is totally out of line.
bionicmark":3kaidscz said:
jcm800x4":3kaidscz said:
This is the amp in question in her new dress and new home with her new friends.

This is NOT my amp..I purchased a CM100 . Your photo shows a AKA100.

Here's my amp before on Jerry's couch apparently just before he shipped it.

Not sure if you're his buddy & trying to help him or what not...but the amp in you picture is NOT the one I purchased. AKA100 & CM100 are totally 2 different amps!

This thread delivers. :lol: :LOL: Thank you. My work day is just flying by. :) Also, sorry about all the BS you're having to go through for my entertainment.
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