Buyer drama, lets let rig talk decide.

  • Thread starter Thread starter jerrydyer
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Yes. I'm his buddy and trying to keep him out of trouble........ :doh: (sarcasm)

Seriously...I asked the same thing and was told this is the same amp. I will take a pic of the back and when I get home and show you. It sure looks the same to me. I was told he changed the face plate because of the way it was built it was actually more like an AKA. I also asked for black knobs on the back instead of white so those will apear different in the photo of the back. Again....I love the amp regardless of what it says or looks like. I'm sure you will say he lied to me. Maybe so....I still dig the amp and it was very inexpensive. This is getting interesting though....maybe my amp will become a mystery and some day i can sell it for a crazy amount of money like a klon pedal or something. :rock:

Here's our conversation about the face plate.....This is getting exciting.

yeah remember Its an AKA 100 in a CM 100 faceplate. I just wanted it to be correct. You want black knobs? I thought white or cream looked better.
amp show is October 5

From: Michael Bertoldo
To: jerry dyer <>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: Amp from Rig Talk cm100 fully loaded (

Is,this the same amp? The one on rig talk had black knobs and said cm 100....this one says surreal aka 100?
Mike Bertoldo
jcm800x4":1b06wzd6 said:
I was told he changed the face plate because of the way it was built it was actually more like an AKA.....Its an AKA 100 in a CM 100 faceplate. it an AKA, more like an AKA, or a CM 100?!!!
the plot thickens......
1) Surreal should have "NOT" Aired, A Private
Buisness Transaction on a Public Forum.

2) Transformer Leg's were bent over the chassis.

3) Once the Amp was returned, Should have
Sent a Full Refund to save yourself a Whole Lot
of Drama and Bullshit.
$1600 is "NOT" Worth jeopardizing a Buisness
Reputation over.

sned me one and Ill make payments that be cool I like his amps
Simple business fact, the customer is always right even if the customer is wrong. End of story.
bionicmark":3eo8ltid said:
Hopefully this will be the last of this.

Jerry Dyer - "he never let me , fix, mod, adjust, switch models, nothing. the P.T not fitting right is because he got a free O.T. upgrade ( Plexi Spec) and I had to switch spots. to me those tabs are trivial but, to each his own. I have a couple other customers who i also did the upgrade for and told them about the tabs. No problem."

Me - There's no need for a chance to make it right , per say. You shipped the amp knowing that it looked that way the first time & you were "o.k." w/ it. That , to me , represents how you do business. I just wanted my money back after that & felt no need to ship the amp back to the west coast for repairs. You did mention the transformer upgrade, which I thought, ok..what's it even being upgraded from, but went with it under your recommendation. You , however NEVER mentioned that it wouldn't fit properly on the chassis & cause the back cover to bow out...EVER.

Jerry Dyer - "In fact I took another order last night and have the money available to pay mark. If he could have either waited just a little longer OR perhaps called me to discuss whats going on.
And BTW, this amp was damaged in ship. Buyer gave me no opp to look it over. Both masters were jacked and the clipper circuits attached to them were jacked up causing noise. I have shipped basically in triple boxes and still have things damaged by fed ex and the like. They throw shit. All new headboxes are all one inch deeper to accommodate either location for either P.T. or O.T."

Me - WTFF??? You had 3 months to refund my money back...You didn't. Plain & simple. I shipped the amp back to you AUGUST 2nd! How convenient you miraculously take an order last night & you were seconds to squaring up w/ me.. Really??
The amp was never damaged...ever. Him saying that is him trying to cover his ass for doing shoddy work. To the gentleman who has it now , congrats to you. I wasn't so lucky.

Jerry seeing how everyone's responses is in my favor , & asking him why he would ship an amp like that, not give a refund for a defective amp, bad mouths me in emails , & comes here looking for validation in the first place...realizes he's committed business suicide - changes his tune & story so he doesn't look like such a jerk.. more on this in a new post..

Here are pictures of the way it was shipped to me & how I shipped it be the judge:

Box1 - amp is wrapped in bubble wrap & in this box:

Then box1 is warapped in more bubble wrap seen here:

Then box 1 wrapped in bubble wrap goes in box 2 that contains EVEN MORE bubble wrap:

Here is a better picture of the transformer & "warped" cover (sitting on top of the amp)

Like everyone has said...unacceptable craftsmanship..yet Jerry thinks it's "OK!"


. Plot thickens. Learning more every minute. Its was double boxed and bubble wrapped. Now your trying to throw some bullshit in. NEVER USED DUCT TAPED ONCE TO ANYONE. Why didnt i see that pic before. Whats the deal here???? Never used duct tape in 6 years.
bionicmark":3rh7xeao said:
jcm800x4":3rh7xeao said:
This is the amp in question in her new dress and new home with her new friends.

This is NOT my amp..I purchased a CM100 . Your photo shows a AKA100.

Here's my amp before on Jerry's couch apparently just before he shipped it.

Not sure if you're his buddy & trying to help him or what not...but the amp in you picture is NOT the one I purchased. AKA100 & CM100 are totally 2 different amps!

same amp. changed the face plate, fixed master, preamp modded to AKA.
jerrydyer":x18ec1gy said:


. Plot thickens. Learning more every minute. Its was double boxed and bubble wrapped. Now your trying to throw some bullshit in. NEVER USED DUCT TAPED ONCE TO ANYONE. Why didnt i see that pic before. Whats the deal here???? Never used duct tape in 6 years.

Jerry, did you miss the part about "HOW IT WAS SHIPPED BACK"? Those are pics of his pack job.

Srsly... Quit trying to deflect shit. Stop. You just look dumb. Take it offline. You're doing yourself no favors.
jerrydyer":39xsnm9w said:
bionicmark":39xsnm9w said:
Hopefully this will be the last of this.

Jerry Dyer - "he never let me , fix, mod, adjust, switch models, nothing. the P.T not fitting right is because he got a free O.T. upgrade ( Plexi Spec) and I had to switch spots. to me those tabs are trivial but, to each his own. I have a couple other customers who i also did the upgrade for and told them about the tabs. No problem."

Me - There's no need for a chance to make it right , per say. You shipped the amp knowing that it looked that way the first time & you were "o.k." w/ it. That , to me , represents how you do business. I just wanted my money back after that & felt no need to ship the amp back to the west coast for repairs. You did mention the transformer upgrade, which I thought, ok..what's it even being upgraded from, but went with it under your recommendation. You , however NEVER mentioned that it wouldn't fit properly on the chassis & cause the back cover to bow out...EVER.

Jerry Dyer - "In fact I took another order last night and have the money available to pay mark. If he could have either waited just a little longer OR perhaps called me to discuss whats going on.
And BTW, this amp was damaged in ship. Buyer gave me no opp to look it over. Both masters were jacked and the clipper circuits attached to them were jacked up causing noise. I have shipped basically in triple boxes and still have things damaged by fed ex and the like. They throw shit. All new headboxes are all one inch deeper to accommodate either location for either P.T. or O.T."

Me - WTFF??? You had 3 months to refund my money back...You didn't. Plain & simple. I shipped the amp back to you AUGUST 2nd! How convenient you miraculously take an order last night & you were seconds to squaring up w/ me.. Really??
The amp was never damaged...ever. Him saying that is him trying to cover his ass for doing shoddy work. To the gentleman who has it now , congrats to you. I wasn't so lucky.

Jerry seeing how everyone's responses is in my favor , & asking him why he would ship an amp like that, not give a refund for a defective amp, bad mouths me in emails , & comes here looking for validation in the first place...realizes he's committed business suicide - changes his tune & story so he doesn't look like such a jerk.. more on this in a new post..

Here are pictures of the way it was shipped to me & how I shipped it be the judge:

Box1 - amp is wrapped in bubble wrap & in this box:

Then box1 is warapped in more bubble wrap seen here:

Then box 1 wrapped in bubble wrap goes in box 2 that contains EVEN MORE bubble wrap:

Here is a better picture of the transformer & "warped" cover (sitting on top of the amp)

Like everyone has said...unacceptable craftsmanship..yet Jerry thinks it's "OK!"


. Plot thickens. Learning more every minute. Its was double boxed and bubble wrapped. Now your trying to throw some bullshit in. NEVER USED DUCT TAPED ONCE TO ANYONE. Why didnt i see that pic before. Whats the deal here???? Never used duct tape in 6 years.

Hey Jerry... The pictures are of me packing & sending it back. I used the duct tape..I took these photos to document the process..
"Plot thickens"
Are you alright??? Total nut job.
Doesn't look like there isn't any wire insulators used on the chassis from the transformer wires?
jasonP":1f03fg9r said:
Doesn't look like there isn't any wire insulators used on the chassis from the transformer wires?

Your right ,I would hate to think what the rest of the circuit looks like .I simply cannot get over the transformer ,and the Fact that others say "sure thats fine for $1500" I can't believe it
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