Do you think that God actually exists?

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MOAAH":fa156 said:
ttosh":fa156 said:
It is sad this happened. But make no mistake everything you said referring to God here is incorrect. Both spiritually and logically. Period! :doh:
Absolutely, the one thing that gets me about most people jabbing at God is how little they really know about the subject ;)

Now if they want to take a stab at religion, by all means! I'll even add in a few historical facts myself. :thumbsup: now "facts" have to be part of a religious discussion? Wait a sec, I'llbe right back..

I'm gonna go get Chuck. :uzi:
Randy Van Sykes":0c832 said:
I have wondered how much better the world might get along without religion. :doh:

Certainly would cut down on a lot of fightin', huh?

MOAAH":b1d9f said:
SteveK":b1d9f said:
redrol":b1d9f said:
2 thousand years ago, we didn't know the Earth was round(well, the huge majority of humans, anyway :aww: ).

The more thing change, the more they stay the same!

The Bible actually says: The circle of the globe floats in the heavens by seemingly nothing. Explaining both that the world she is round, and that gravity is invisible. So again, please get your facts strait, thanks ahead :scared:

It was a Catholic belief that the world was flat. Remember them, the ones who tried to outlaw the Bible for many years...

Does it say that in the original text?

Well you're the historical facts expert. I haven;t claimed jack shiot, except I don't understand the Jessic Lunsford thing. You guys have answers for everything else. Oh sure, you've pulled out some VERY vague passages, but so far I don't see an explantion for God's love, awesome all-powefullness and yet leaving Jessic to be tortured unmercifully for 3 days, and buried alive in a trach bag.

You guys are like :rock: God rocks....and I just want to puke.

So the Catholics fucked up the Bible, then/ Which church would you which will keep the facts of religion and God straight.

In all honesty....I really am searching for my religion, my faith, my God. God is just making me look at it from another point of view, one that can;t simply brush off Jessica as a display of freewill. And ha smany opther questions about the diverse relgions and why Christianity has to be the only one. (If you are a true traditional Christian that's the way it is, if I have my facts straight.) AMong a myriad of other questions.

So if I am getting on your nerves, it's God's fault.
SteveK":ef3de said:
MOAAH":ef3de said:
SteveK":ef3de said:
Look...Jesus said He was "for the children".
And also thanks for proving my point that you got an answer for everything, no matter how vague or silly it really is.
And thanks for remaining so civil in your approach to this discussion.

Jesus said he came on behalf of ALL mankind, so please get your story strait! It may make tearing it down a bit more of challenge!

Even if I don't believe, one way or the other :yes:

I'm civil, I'm civil!

DAMMITT! :confused:

But ...for me, you just can;t have it both can;t say God is all powerful, and then have chose to not help the poor pittle girl, who's sacrifice was MUCH greater than Jesus'. She suffered and died for our free will. :no:

Yes she did and it is truly unfortunate. As did 1000's of Jews. Many children there as well. Is it fair, not in my opinion no. But for God to be just then it has to be. Why because if he interfered there then where would he stop. Because when it comes to sin and that is what this is then we all would be wiped off the planet. Because nobody on this forum can state they have led a sinless life. So even though your disgusted at what this guy did, and believe me I am. However none of you are any better nor am I. Maybe in our eyes we are not as bad because the things we do we justify as ok, or at least were not that bad. But bottom line is everyone has sinned. Some here possibly as bad as him, how would we know. Even those posting how bad it is could have done the same or worse. So do not take it out on God for a persons actions. Each of us is responsible for ourselves.
SteveK":b27f9 said:
I'm civil, I'm civil!

DAMMITT! :confused:
Thanks for being civil, this time :)
OK, I'll go over it again. In the beginning God handed down his law to man, symbolized by Adam and Eve. Now the law was very strait forward, everything in the earth was for man to look after and have fun with, all except that symbolic tree, the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Think about how knowledge branches out, this is a good symbol, if you take your blinders off for one minute. ALso good and Evil, think of how Atomic research can be used for good and bad things. Anywho, Man rejected Gods rule and so now we are living in the shit that resulted by trying to govern ourselves. One of the Attributes of God is Justice, so he has to allow us ample time so that the question can be answered, without a doubt, we can't run things without him. If he were to end it too soon, then some may say he never gave us a chance. But by leaving it to the last possible moment, no doubts will remain.
There you go, and YMMV, but that's OK too.
SteveK":5ffcc said: now "facts" have to be part of a religious discussion? Wait a sec, I'llbe right back..

I'm gonna go get Chuck. :uzi:
LOL, OK see ya when ya get your back-up, the :jedi: :force: is with me!

But please get one thing strait, God and Religion are not the same thing!
SteveK":11a06 said:
Does it say that in the original text?

So the Catholics fucked up the Bible, then/ Which church would you which will keep the facts of religion and God straight.

In all honesty....I really am searching for my religion, my faith, my God. God is just making me look at it from another point of view, one that can;t simply brush off Jessica as a display of freewill. And ha smany opther questions about the diverse relgions and why Christianity has to be the only one. (If you are a true traditional Christian that's the way it is, if I have my facts straight.) AMong a myriad of other questions.

So if I am getting on your nerves, it's God's fault.
But I am the MOAAH, and I have nerves and patience like a anvil of steel after dealing with so many lit'l AHs all these years, LOL.

True Christains would have to believe: "Judge not lest you be judged."

Yes it does say that about the circle of the globe floating in the heavens by seemingly nothing.

The Catholics added much to what has become Christian custom and tradition, but customs are not always based on reality.

You are where I am, except I have tried most organized religions and know to much about the truth to follow any, IMNSHO, FWIW. Just remember this, your conscience will be your guide today, and your judgment will be based on how well you used it. For "A man is not Judged by Faith alone, because faith without works is dead."
danyeo":ab1c7 said:
Who cares. :gay:
Only those that post here, welcome aboard, LOL.
Nice to see we have a :gay: smiley, I guess we can't get banned for using it :rock:
Such a fun BB, LOLs N stuff! Pretty dang cool I say,
I'm am very much atheist after being raised Catholic all my life. Even when I was doing my Catechism things felt very wrong, to me. I searched for years and years and tried to find my faith. I really tried hard to bring myself to really understand the idea of faith.

My thing is that man originally created religion and gods to explain things that in nature that they didn't understand. Why does the sun set and rise? Why does it rain, why do you decompose when you die, etc. And as time goes on, we learn with science exactly why those things happen. When that happens, God suddenly becomes responsible for something else. "Oh, that's why there's plague." No, well, now we find out it's because of microscopic organisms, etc etc.

Every single time that has happened in history, God has never been the explanation. Every single time. When we find out the answer to something else, we automatically assume that God is responsible for something else, then. I don't understand why, though. When you have continually eliminated a solution, time after time after time, over thousands of years, there's literally no reason to revisit it, at that point. In time, Science will again discover things the answer to more things that we currently attribute to God. I take a naturalistic and realistic viewpoint to life, instead of holding on to the supernatural. We no longer have need of such fetters.

I feel that we really hold ourselves back as a species by hanging on to religion, in general.

There are enough beautiful, majestic and amazing things in The Universe and enough amazing things about the Human Race itself without the illogical need to dress it up with the supernatural. I believe it isn't giving us credit enough when we bring our ideas of God into it. The Human Race itself is worthy of our worship by sheer power of our ingenuity, if nothing else.

PS This does not mean that I hate Christians, Muslims, or the Hindi, or whatever the hell else you may or may not be. Most of my friends are people of faith, of course. It simply means that I feel they are misguided (as I'm sure they feel I am. The only difference is I can test my ideas of "faith," and none of the others are remotely testable).
EvilMeow":9c343 said:
I feel that we really hold ourselves back as a species by hanging on to religion, in general.

The Human Race itself is worthy of our worship by sheer power of our ingenuity, if nothing else.

I feel that soon Religion will be outlawed, so we may not be held back for much longer.

The human race is destroying the planet. I don't see any reason for worshiping such a destructive group?!?

Ruled by their quest for power, leading us to our inevitable destruction.

If greed was a good thing then the planet may have some hope, as there sure is more than enough of it to go around.
MOAAH":7e9a3 said:
SteveK":7e9a3 said:
I'm civil, I'm civil!

DAMMITT! :confused:
Thanks for being civil, this time :)
OK, I'll go over it again. In the beginning God handed down his law to man, symbolized by Adam and Eve. Now the law was very strait forward, everything in the earth was for man to look after and have fun with, all except that symbolic tree, the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Think about how knowledge branches out, this is a good symbol, if you take your blinders off for one minute. ALso good and Evil, think of how Atomic research can be used for good and bad things. Anywho, Man rejected Gods rule and so now we are living in the shit that resulted by trying to govern ourselves. One of the Attributes of God is Justice, so he has to allow us ample time so that the question can be answered, without a doubt, we can't run things without him. If he were to end it too soon, then some may say he never gave us a chance. But by leaving it to the last possible moment, no doubts will remain.
There you go, and YMMV, but that's OK too.

More blah blah blah. Does not exaplin anything, but you saying God will not take ANY responsibility at all. Throws up his hands and says..."fuck guys deal with this mess".

But he made us special.
MOAAH":6c7ea said:
I feel that soon Religion will be outlawed, so we may not be held back for much longer.

Absolutely not. As long as people are insecure or scared of something, it's always easier to hide behind irrational beliefs like that and pretend that it's out of their control. I don't see it going away any time soon, but I feel we can all help minimize the myriad of negative, terrified effects of it, at the very least.
King Crimson":e5d54 said:
Free will – fuck that. Ignorance and complete disregard for humanity, recklessness and stupidity, yes! Not freewill but what I just said.

With over a trillion stars and countless planets in our galaxy, how a rational intelligent human being not ponder or at the very least realize that there are other forms of life out there. Whatever they may be.

Think about it – it takes us years to send probes to Mars. And that's not even close to the thousands of light-years that it would take us to even get close to the outer radius of our own galaxy. We could never no matter what it takes to actually explore these vast distances.

There are billions and trillions of galaxies of planetary solar systems out there in our single Universe. Most, if not all reputable current astrophysicist believe that there are an infinite number of Universes that exist.

Do you honestly believe that some 60's dope head looking white guy with a head draped with rose thorns magically created all this bullshit?


what the fuck does this have to with music/gear talk? u must have a lot of free time on your hands or maybe havent had a decent blow job in a while...take it somewhere else dude

SteveK":7fed1 said:
God will not take ANY responsibility at all
No I'm saying: We all have a choice to make, and how we make our bed is our own device. But, once it is made, we have to sleep in it. But, not to worry, it is only the evil on the earth that will be destroyed during the Day of Judgment.
Unless you purposely cause others pain, revel in what is evil, roll in the filth that this world provides, then you have nothin' to worry about, don't matter what religion you belong to. And, don't forget, YMMV and that's OK too,
70strathead":c8fb2 said:
King Crimson":c8fb2 said:
Free will – fuck that. Ignorance and complete disregard for humanity, recklessness and stupidity, yes! Not freewill but what I just said.

With over a trillion stars and countless planets in our galaxy, how a rational intelligent human being not ponder or at the very least realize that there are other forms of life out there. Whatever they may be.

Think about it – it takes us years to send probes to Mars. And that's not even close to the thousands of light-years that it would take us to even get close to the outer radius of our own galaxy. We could never no matter what it takes to actually explore these vast distances.

There are billions and trillions of galaxies of planetary solar systems out there in our single Universe. Most, if not all reputable current astrophysicist believe that there are an infinite number of Universes that exist.

Do you honestly believe that some 60's dope head looking white guy with a head draped with rose thorns magically created all this bullshit?


what the fuck does this have to with music/gear talk? u must have a lot of free time on your hands or maybe havent had a decent blow job in a while...take it somewhere else dude


Thanks for the bump though.
MOAAH":d3472 said:
SteveK":d3472 said:
God will not take ANY responsibility at all
No I'm saying: We all have a choice to make, and how we make our bed is our own device. But, once it is made, we have to sleep in it. But, not to worry, it is only the evil on the earth that will be destroyed during the Day of Judgment.
Unless you purposely cause others pain, revel in what is evil, roll in the filth that this world provides, then you have nothin' to worry about, don't matter what religion you belong to. And, don't forget, YMMV and that's OK too,

So God doesn't work in this plane of existance, here now.
EvilMeow":198b4 said:
MOAAH":198b4 said:
I feel that soon Religion will be outlawed, so we may not be held back for much longer.

Absolutely not. As long as people are insecure or scared of something, it's always easier to hide behind irrational beliefs like that and pretend that it's out of their control. I don't see it going away any time soon, but I feel we can all help minimize the myriad of negative, terrified effects of it, at the very least.
Good points and who knows for sure. I just thought after we got tired of blaming terror for everything we might enjoy blaming Religion for a while. Plus it is written, one of the last signs before Christ's return will be when the masses turn on Gods children. "For the world will be filled with lovers of money, rather than lovers of God" fact "if it was not put to an end, all life on the planet would be destroyed."

Not that I believe, N stuff.
SteveK":7e577 said:
MOAAH":7e577 said:
SteveK":7e577 said:
God will not take ANY responsibility at all
No I'm saying: We all have a choice to make, and how we make our bed is our own device. But, once it is made, we have to sleep in it. But, not to worry, it is only the evil on the earth that will be destroyed during the Day of Judgment.
Unless you purposely cause others pain, revel in what is evil, roll in the filth that this world provides, then you have nothin' to worry about, don't matter what religion you belong to. And, don't forget, YMMV and that's OK too,
So God doesn't work in this plane of existance, here now.
Again, these are only deductions I have made after years of serious study. I believe if you open your heart to LOVE, you can't go wrong. Because it is written "God is Love".

Not that I believe in all that is written, but I have found the less I listen to organized religious BS, the more it all makes sense to me.