Core9":9ecee said:
Yeah, I know I went beyond your original question, but this is why I try to stay away from these types of threads.
It's all good, please feel free to go beyond any question I pose
Exactly, we have been taught many things that the Church wanted us to believe. And it ain't just the Catholics that have twisted the truth to their own device. All the break away sects did so for their own selfish means. i.e., One reason the United church was created was so King Henry VIII could divorce all those wives without permission from the Pope. Many of the later versions of Christianity were created so the TAX was not sent to Rome...Note: "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." This does not place limits on what the heavens actually entail, no it was man that added that ID!
I firmly believe that evolution was used by God to create. Even the order in which things came about are pretty much in agreement with the modern theory, i.e., At first the earth was a lifeless mass, then life started in the oceans, and later it moved up to the dry land...
There is no question Jesus existed as a man,I feel that anyone thinking this way has just not looked into it enough. Now whether he was the son of God, well that is where faith comes in; " For God so loved the world that he gave up his only begotten son, so that whoever believed in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life" But, you cannot just say, I believe. No, you have to follow his teachings and practice what you preach.
As for what me mom taught me, or some church I may have attended as a child: If it were not for tons of literature I have studied, including the Bible, I would still be lost, wandering blindly through the mess that is this system of things. I see fulfillment of Bible prophesy everyday, and in the past too. One good example would be how Daniel predicted that the Babylonian empire would be overthrown by a king from Persia, he even named him, long before it happened. Today we see tons of examples of prophesy coming true. Just check how the incidence of Earthquakes have gone up over the last 50 years or so, and then check the scripture: "And there will be earth quakes in one place after another." Many new religions have used the last days to scare folks into following their particular belief system. But then the Bible warns of such things: "Beware, there will come many false profits that will mislead many." and "there will be many coming in my name, but do not be deceived"
As for Mary, well we could make up a 1000 reasons why she could not have given a virgin birth. In the end thou, that is just placing limits on God's ability. Very easy to do if you don't have faith, which is OK too, we just have to live with ourselves no matter what we believe. Not that I believe N most stuff said in the churches, but I do have faith
Stay away from these types of threads? Well I am surprised that it has remained very civil. More so than say some of those other BBs may have been with the same subject! Me thinks it has somethin' to do with the forbidden fruit, it ain't as tasty once it becomes legal, LOL.
Peace be with you as it is with me,