Do you think that God actually exists?

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I think I might stop to exist if I am stupid enough to reply seriously to your biased post. :thumbsdown:
no i dont believe in a god, or deity of any kind really. how i came to that conclusion is a long, long story, and is a personal one, as is everyones choice of whether or not to believe in a deity of some kind, or not.
I don`t believe. But that is a personal matter for everyone.
I DO believe that religious is something you "do", not something you "say".

Getting too hung up in material goods, and calling yourself a christian (for example) doesn`t ring right to me.
If you say that you love and live for Jesus, and own two cars, a bigger house than you need, thousands upon thousands of dollars/Euro whatever in luxury goods etc....

But that`s just MY view of it :)

I think that living in a democratic and safe society gives you the right to believe in exactly what you feel is right :)
Oooh dear, as a fairly militant agnostic atheist (no, this is not a contradiction) this is the sort of thread that gets me banned from forums! :scared:

My atheism is driven by my agnosticism. If there is any higher power it will be so far outside our scope to imagine that we won't have any idea how it works. Applying human motivation and attributes to such a figure - yes, all major religions please stand up and take a bow, this is YOU that I'm talking about - is incoherent nonsense.

Left with something that may or may not exist, and if it does it's so far outside my comprehension that I may not even be able to experience it even if I did come across it, I chose to believe in NOTHING.

A few related points:

Holy books were all written by men unless 'god' could physically manifest. There's no *proof* of any divine inspiration.
If 'god' created humanity, it was having a laugh at the time.
Omniscience, omnipotence and omnibenevolence are conflicting logical positions. Got that, Christians?
Any entity that created the universes natural laws would have put extreme restrictions on it's own actions - please note that these 'laws' are not like human laws as they cannot logically be broken unless *physical* conditions are changed.

There's the arguement that if people didn't have religion they'd find something else to fight about. That's true, unfortunately religion gives far too many excuses, and an extreme position can be justified:

'Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, it takes religion.' - Steven Weinberg
SteveK":87008 said:
MOAAH":87008 said:
SteveK":87008 said:
I'm civil, I'm civil!

DAMMITT! :confused:

More blah blah blah. Does not exaplin anything, but you saying God will not take ANY responsibility at all. Throws up his hands and says..."fuck guys deal with this mess".

But he made us special.

1. Why should God take responsibility for humans actions? That's the whole point of free will.

2. Many people seem to be afraid/angry that God would control their fate - he doesn't. We control our fate. The scary part is realizing that we caused the problems in the world, not God.

3. Although it's terrible what happened to Jessica, my personal belief is that what happens to our human bodies isn't all that important to God. He seems more interested in our "soul" not our "carnal" existance. It actually does say that the body isn't that relevant somewhere in the Bible, although I can't remember the passage now (I'll look it up if you want).

It's been nice debating this topic and it's hard to explain why people of faith have those beliefs in a world that is as messed up as this one. Don't think that just because someone believes in God, that they don't struggle with the question of the hows and whys of a Jessica Lundsford or the newest tragedy baby grace. I always say that God has chosen not to give me great wealth and/or superman like powers since if I had either, I would make it my mission to punish people who do things like that to others.

The Bible says judge not lest ye be judged, so I keep telling myself that they will get justice in the end, but it's not easy. The Bible says that all sin is equal in the eyes of God, so to God murder is no different than lying to someone. Being Gay is no worse than anything that I do wrong on a dialy basis. It's a very black and white system that modern liberal man has a hard time accepting. We all want to feel that we aren't really "that" bad. But if you look at the world today, something is bad and I think we're all a little bit responsible. Just my opinion.
I plugged the Flux Capacitors in backwards on day and I seen God for three days :confused:

My beliefs are personal and I prefer to keep them to myself and not discuss them on internet forums. They just seem to draw out animosity from alot of people :)
I do believe in a God that created all we see and know and also that Jesus was his son and came to earth and gave us a cure for whats wrong with us as humans. But my belief doesn't make it a fact. Truth is not dependant on us at all, it stands alone justified by itself and belief or disbelief won't change it. If you seek God with an honest heart you will find him.
gdwill2u":d6f95 said:
I think I might stop to exist if I am stupid enough to reply seriously to your biased post. :thumbsdown:
I know you're posting to the thread starter, but oh my, you just did reply!!! I hope you're OK, please still exist ;)
hairychris444":6495d said:
Oooh dear, as a fairly militant agnostic atheist (no, this is not a contradiction) this is the sort of thread that gets me banned from forums! :scared:
Not that I speak for anyone but myself! But that said, I feel you need not worry about banishment from this forum for expressing your opinion, on this or any subject. I don't believe the intension of the admin here is to sissify it's members. More like they have given us an opportunity to prove we are men; can take the heat of the fire yet still come out smelling like roses and with our head held high.

I could be wrong but this board is not intended to be just like all them other "no fun" forums.

I dont believe Jesus ever existed. He's a fictional character in a pagan religion made popular by the Roman Empire to control the masses. :scared:
Yes, I do believe in God. It's a matter of faith. It's not something that can be rationalized by your or I. Using "man's" facts to confirm or deny God is exactly what faith IS NOT!!! It's like trying to compare apples and oranges. God IS, regardless of what you use to explain that he is or is not.

It's a matter of FAITH. :)
Telephant":3e98d said:
I dont believe Jesus ever existed. He's a fictional character in a pagan religion made popular by the Roman Empire to control the masses. :scared:
Yah, imagine how those guys even convinced the world to base its calender on such a myth! They even gave Josephus, the most famous of all Jewish historians, a bribe to write about him...LOL.

Interesting, I read somewhere: Pagan actually means, "those who live off the land", or in some text, "an old country dweller".
I'll just lightly chime in on this subject since it's always a touchy one, as this thread is proving yet again.

I'm a non-practicing Catholic, I've seen too much and been through too much in my 40 years to believe I'm just being tested for some great afterlife. If my 40 years was a test, I guess I flunked badly. As I've heard said before, "Religion is good, organised religion is bad". I guess there's just too much hypocracy in religion and the world for me to buy in to it anymore.

I find it hard to believe that we (the human race) and all life here on Earth came at the whim of a higher being. And do we honestly think Earth has the only life in existence anywhere? I am often blown away by the thought of what's out there beyond what we can see and touch. The Hubble Deep Field images are some of the most amazing photos of just how small we really are in the scope of things. and (click on the images for a bigger picture, this is a spot about the size of the tip of a needle in the night sky). Do we really think that we are totally alone? If we ever did find life elsewhere that would throw religion right out the window.
Core9":bf253 said:
And do we honestly think Earth has the only life in existence anywhere? .
"How can you correlate life on other planets, with the possible existence of a god?"

I asked this before but none of the non believes cared to answer, maybe you would.

Again, not that I believe N stuff. But, I do feel that some people have listened to their preacher a bit too much(blind faith) and seldom, if ever, check out what the good book actually says.