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Yep I got one and have used various settings but not had any great results in the efxs loop. I don't think Ive used it in front of the amp. Thanks
Once Ed switched to higher output pickups, he ditched all the little boosts in front of the amp.Yep I got one and have used various settings but not had any great results in the efxs loop. I don't think Ive used it in front of the amp. Thanks
Gaustad gets all the gain without any MXR or Boss EQ with a Alnico 3 GIbson Burstbucker. I also feel the EQ's add that little extra push needed for VH1 IMHO. I have yet to find a high output pickup that gives me what my vintage MXR 6 band and EP3 echoplex/EP PRE's impart to my VH1 tone.You only need the GE-10 in front of the amp if you're using a PAF style pickup (8~9K, A2 magnet).
You'll never get there without the GE-10 boosting mids, 1 or 2 EchoPlex pre-amps, and perhaps the SVDS preamp..
Your mileage may vary.
Gaustad is using custom-wired, sagged-out PT in that homebrew amp.Gaustad gets all the gain without any MXR or Boss EQ with a Alnico 3 GIbson Burstbucker. I also feel the EQ's add that little extra push needed for VH1 IMHO. I have yet to find a high output pickup that gives me what my vintage MXR 6 band and EP3 echoplex/EP PRE's impart to my VH1 tone.
Although I have to agree that Gaustad's getting the tone without any EQ up front but he is using the entire recording signal chain but I do believe he did an in the room recording once and it still sounded great so like PLX says YMMV.
It's possible but plenty of people get killer VH1 tone with stock MXR effects and EP3 Echoplexes...myself included so personally I don't think they really were modded. Of course Ed was trying to lead people astray on the VH1 hunt in 1978-1980. I did believe Ed's phase 90 might have been modded with a mix knob to mix in more wet or dry signal which does give the signal a light boost so I picked up a Analogman modded phase 90 with the mix knob it's cool and all but my old stock vintage script phase 90 still sounds great...so YMMV.Don’t forget Ed‘s statement about Jose modding his MXR boxes to “boost gain and reduce noise”, I think that would account for a lot.
Re-amping is just a term people sometimes use to describe amp slaving. Chain is as follows. Marshall 12301 amp (variaced down to 65-80 ACV) ran into a resistive load(JOSE load box with a transformer isolated line out/outs > Multiple power amps to bring the volume up to controllable stage volume levels.... We know Ed used all of these amps as power amps on the 78 tour(Marshall's, Musicman's, Fender Bandmasters, Vox's) up until he started using H&H power amps in the Diver Down Bradshaw era. When exactly and if he ever dropped using the slave setup and power amp setup is unknown because as he played bigger and bigger stages he could run the amps as loud as he wanted. Most things we keep bringing up in this thread were discussed years ago in the EVH forums on the Metro amp forum. I personally don't think he ever stopped slaving to power amps because it is a great way to run effect like echo after the main amps distorted signal before the power amp, but we all love the echoplex effects in front of 12301 so it's all different interpretations to what you want to hear and any point in time that floats your ears boat.How do you do the re-amping ? What’s the chain ?
How do you do the re-amping ? What’s the chain ?
When using my Marshall's as the power amp I used the low input of the bright channel of the amp with the amp set up quite dark. The Robin L thread explains how Ed set up his power amp Marshalls. With my Musicman HD130 and Fender Bandmaster I tended to use the high inputs but the low inputs can be used with no issues at all. It's all how you want to set things up persoanlly really. There are no effects loops on my amps.I’m aware of what re-amping is… I wanted to know how YOU did it, specifically with the Music Man amp, was it in through an effects loop return or a front input ? How did Ed do it ? I’d think going into the front of the amp would be the wrong level and impedance causing a mismatch. I always wondered if the Echoplexs were returned to two different amps for the precursor to the Roland SDE3000 W/D/W. Going into an effects return makes the most sense in that situation, but it would have been pretty forward thinking for back then …
No one really knows when Ed quit using the echoplexes before the main amp and altogether especially live before the Roland SDE3000 became his go to echo/delay but he always put the SDE3000 after the main amp and before the power amps to my knowledge.I’m aware of what re-amping is… I wanted to know how YOU did it, specifically with the Music Man amp, was it in through an effects loop return or a front input ? How did Ed do it ? I’d think going into the front of the amp would be the wrong level and impedance causing a mismatch. I always wondered if the Echoplexs were returned to two different amps for the precursor to the Roland SDE3000 W/D/W. Going into an effects return makes the most sense in that situation, but it would have been pretty forward thinking for back then …
The Jose load box had three outputs to feed three different power amps. It was rumored that the amps were set up as daisy chained to throw off anyone trying to duplicate but that could easily be 12301 ran into the Jose load box which then feeds three power amps. If you have two main amps into two Jose load boxes you can drive up to 6 Marshall power amps for stage volume one as a main setup and the other as a back up.What did he have going on here View attachment 227443
In that picture I am going to speculate that 12301 and the wooden headbox amp have their own variac and area used as the main amps into the Jose load boxes and then the line outs were fed to two Marshall 100 amps which can drive 2-4 Marshall 4x12 cabs each. We know Ed was using 8 cabinets onstage for the 78 tour, that would be 4 for the main amp setup and 4 for the back up amp setup. Robin L said the MXR EQ was pulled from Ed's board and staged to confuse people, who knows. As of 78 the echoplexes were run in front of the main amps. The 50 watters were back up amps.What did he have going on here View attachment 227443
The Jose load box had three outputs to feed three different power amps.
This video came out 12 days ago .