Dan Gleesak
Well-known member
I noticed when I lived up north where you are there was almost no high school football. They had lacrosse and soccer and shit but hardly any football. Always wondered why. More people and a bigger area than here, and we have football everywhere. Soccer has really come on here for awhile now. Some people bitch about saying that it takes kids away from other sports. I said it was their fault for not letting kids play. If you are denying kids an opportunity because you want to pick a team then don’t bitch about a low turnout because of a sport where every kid gets an opportunity to play. Arrogance is it’s own reward.
Soccer is definitely bigger than football around here, at least at the youth level. Around the time I was coming up in the 90s we had the World Cup here, and the MLS started up, so there was a real push to get kids playing I think.
I’ve worked at some smaller schools that didn’t have the budget for football too.
Hockey is growing exponentially as well as a winter sport. Nice rinks practically have bidding wars for ice time