After reading this thread just pulled the trigger on a Mark III purple stripe.
If i could find a mark III for around 1500 bucks i'd send the paypal right this second

If they stay around 2k, meh
After reading this thread just pulled the trigger on a Mark III purple stripe.
Unless they come with an inbuilt Coffee-Maker i'll pass.i'm holding out for the robot model that adjusts the EQ sliders for me
I kind of agree here as well. I'm pretty sure they are in the business of "grabbing money"...hence the word BUSINESS. At the end of the day, the market is governed almost purely by simple supply / demand economic principles. Any Gibson executive that visits the gear forums (like ours) and watched us cork drool over all the "original" different Mark Series amps and the elusive "Master of Puppets" tone would say "Mmmm...there's enough guys out there that will pay fairly inflated prices if we reissue a few of these...easily". It's guys like us that create the hype vacume for these products. That's how you "grab" money within a free market economy.What isn’t a money grab though?? Mesa I’m sure saw the demand and prices iic+’s are getting, thanks mostly to forums like this, and they jumped on it. Six months ago people would be bitching “why don’t they release a legit iic++, fuck the mark vii”, now they do it and we bitch. Or am I seeing things wrong?
I was thinking of this one
Not being an ass....
Just helping with context.
I kind of agree here as well. I'm pretty sure they are in the business of "grabbing money"...hence the word BUSINESS. At the end of the day, the market is governed almost purely by simple supply / demand economic principles. Any Gibson executive that visits the gear forums (like ours) and warched us cork drool over all the "original" different Mark Series amps and the elusive "Master of Pupoets" tone would say "Mmmm...there's enough guys out there that will pay fairly inflated prices if we reissue a few of these...easily". It's guys like us that create the hype vacume for these products. That's how you "grab" money within a free market economy.
Not being an ass....
Just helping with context.
Totally agree.... everyone knows he is an esp guy ...the only lp I remember...is the esp. With the Floyd.Ah, thank you. I figured he must have used it for a certain song or something like he does many others, a black custom just dosent scream “Hammett” to me though. It seems pushing it to make a sig guitar around an intro if that is all he used it for
Not being an ass....
Just helping with context.
I think this is the right mindset.I can probably get 99% there with my black dot 3 and a boost.
Kirk's black LPC is the guitar that made me want a black Custom.
No way in hell I'd buy some official KH signature black LPC of course but damn that's a great looking guitar. Plus if you really wanted a guitar like that, buy a regular one and just take the damn pickguard off.
I wanted an ESP MX220 as my first guitar ?
I would take an Edwards, or 2.I spent half my life lusting after ESPs. Now that I'm an old fart and can afford them they look like cartoons & feel like toys.