Odin":18e5b said:
degenaro":18e5b said:
I think you're missing his point. The way I understand them is that communism as a concept was sound, unfortunately the execution is where you had a few that decided to take capitalistic approach to it. And then had a big fuckin mess.
That said as far as I can tell, Morello is pro socialism, which IMO works just fine if I look at countries like Sweden, or Germany.
So he's arguing for a concept that has never been actually realized? OK, if "if's and but's" were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas, too, but I don't see that happening. If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he jumped. Back in the real world, communism has never succeeded or been seen as superior to democracy, and it never will be. History has proven this time and again.
Socialism only "works fine" if you are Ok with keeping the masses suppressed and oppressed, eliminating the entrepreneurial drive of mankind, accepting mediocrity, etc... which is precisely what the far left in America wants - socialism (for everyone except the elite limousine liberals). Unfortunately, that's what we're slowing becoming, a socialist state.
My point was communism hasn't ever been tried, individuals, such as lenin, stalin, or mao have placed their own theories and practises over it, your point is void.
I don't see whats wrong with people being idealistic? Theres obviously a better way of life than capitalism, it hasn't been realised yet. Are you so narrow sighted that in 1000 years you think that the human population are still going to be into capitalism, that it is the be all and end all of human social evolution?
Get over yourself mate!
It is also backwards looking, arrogant, loud and unwanted people like yourself that proclaim America as the finest coutnry in the world, that shits on everyone else that gives your country such a bad reputation. In Australia I'd bet more people would be distrusting of Americans than say, or Iraqi's. Sure it is a contentious issue but I think the SMALL section of American society that adopt your attitude need to change if you want to remain a great country.