It's OK Richard. I visited your website, I can see exactly where you're at. It's not fair to call me a second amendment nutjob, because you really don't know who I am. You're a whitecollar Bay area computer industry exec. rich guy, elitist, pro Hillary Dem. So we're all having a little fun here, but I guess it's getting to you a little. And I don't mean that as a goad or insult, truly. Isn't that the point of some of these threads, really? Entertainment value?
I live in the desert, am a blue collar worker, now the General Manager of a medium sized shop. I've got about 20 employees. I'm married to a Hispanic ex-cop, and have just put my first kid into college, pre-med. My values are typical Western conservative.
So naturally, our thoughts on this politically charged thread are going to come from opposite corners. I can take it all in fun, can you?
Like it says on you website dude - PEACE!