degenaro":963fb said:You know, you keep bringing up socialism, and then use exmples that make no sense. Take a look at germany when it come to immigration. Quite a bit harsher than here.Odin":963fb said:I agree with your assessment (and Buchanan would have made a good prez if he did what he said he was going to do). I don't see it haoppening though, because the plan of the left is to slowly get Americans acclimated to socialism one step at a time until we're too apathetic to resist what will be sold to us as the inevitable.
For a good example of this look at our immigration problem and our so-called leaders' "solutions".
That has nothing to do with socialism, that is just Germany still being very nationalistic. America is losing our identity to globalization whil eother countries tout globalization yet retain their identities. Try to immigrate into Mexico and see how easy it is to be accepted by the Mexican gov't. The rest of the world wants to take from the US and then criticize us when we attempt to maintain any sort of national identity.