MESA/Boogie® Mark IIC+ full demo & overview ft. Doug West & Tommy Waugh

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My thought is, the metal community and metallica fan community is aware this amp exists, gibson doesnt have to target or market to them with the early videos, theres plenty of people from those groups that will buy the amp and in a week or two theres gonna be dozens of metal clips floating around. Gibson is gonna wanna target the other types of people who dont play metal and try to show them that this amp can play other styles and put it in the hands of boomers and companies that will make videos showing its not just a metal amp and will try to sell to the non-metal groups of people and that might be why we have seen so many of these horrible sounding videos, gibson can sell more amps if they can get guys who arent metal players to buy one and make videos targeted towards that crowd, and then let Ola and guys like that make the videos to target the metal crowd. Most of us on the forum knows metallica wasnt the only band to play the IIC+, in the 80s there was other bands not playing metal using it, but maybe boomers who didnt play guitar back then or didnt pay attention to what tones and amps was used for non-metal recordings, and the past 20 years its been mostly metal videos of that amp people have been making which gives the impression its just a metal amp.

I could be wrong, but thats just what i thought when i seen the videos and way mesa marketed the amp with the guys they had playing it or some of the other videos.
Ive seen cars marketed in similar ways where a certain car has a certain type of buyer who always buys it and now they wanna expand further and also cater to a different type of driver or age group so they can sell more cars while still keeping the core group happy.
Strange there are so many shitty demos. They should get Brad Gillis to demo it.
I play my MK VII all the time and I'm dialing in great high gain tones without even using the EQ. (Strats don't like scooped EQ)
The one vid with the Indian dude and all the YT Superstar's giddiness is stomach turning.
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Sooooo I’m not sure if it’s been discussed here, but did anyone see the video Kyle bull, fluff, and Ben Eller put up? And then they took it down because it sounded like absolute shit? ? god I love this, finally the masses are gonna be able to see what some of us “in the minority” have been saying forever…..overrated, bland, compressed, and shitty.
Sooooo I’m not sure if it’s been discussed here, but did anyone see the video Kyle bull, fluff, and Ben Eller put up? And then they took it down because it sounded like absolute shit? ? god I love this, finally the masses are gonna be able to see what some of us “in the minority” have been saying forever…..overrated, bland, compressed, and shitty.
had to fire up my III just to make sure i wasn’t loosing my mind on boogie tone after all these duds. III still crushes. i’ve played 4 different C+s over the years. was never a diehard fan from those experiences BUT they all sounded light years better than these early reissue clips. hard to understand mesa signing off on these official demos when guys like Blake and Ola exist.

and again i’ve played 2 VIIs and loved that amp!
trying to understand who these demos are targeting. Steven Segal?

SO MUCH HYPE on this amp. An amp that has everyone in a frenzy and just dying to lay down those puppets and justice licks for internet cred. An amp made famous by a band that everyone loves to shit on these days. So wild ??‍♂️??
My thought is, the metal community and metallica fan community is aware this amp exists, gibson doesnt have to target or market to them with the early videos, theres plenty of people from those groups that will buy the amp and in a week or two theres gonna be dozens of metal clips floating around. Gibson is gonna wanna target the other types of people who dont play metal and try to show them that this amp can play other styles and put it in the hands of boomers and companies that will make videos showing its not just a metal amp and will try to sell to the non-metal groups of people and that might be why we have seen so many of these horrible sounding videos, gibson can sell more amps if they can get guys who arent metal players to buy one and make videos targeted towards that crowd, and then let Ola and guys like that make the videos to target the metal crowd. Most of us on the forum knows metallica wasnt the only band to play the IIC+, in the 80s there was other bands not playing metal using it, but maybe boomers who didnt play guitar back then or didnt pay attention to what tones and amps was used for non-metal recordings, and the past 20 years its been mostly metal videos of that amp people have been making which gives the impression its just a metal amp.

I could be wrong, but thats just what i thought when i seen the videos and way mesa marketed the amp with the guys they had playing it or some of the other videos.
Ive seen cars marketed in similar ways where a certain car has a certain type of buyer who always buys it and now they wanna expand further and also cater to a different type of driver or age group so they can sell more cars while still keeping the core group happy.
This. They knew us Metallica guys would know exactly what this amp is. They're trying to bring in new players who may not be aware of it.
SO MUCH HYPE on this amp. An amp that has everyone in a frenzy and just dying to lay down those puppets and justice licks for internet cred. An amp made famous by a band that everyone loves to shit on these days. So wild ??‍♂️??

Hey now. Don't forget Pull Me Under.
My thought is, the metal community and metallica fan community is aware this amp exists, gibson doesnt have to target or market to them with the early videos, theres plenty of people from those groups that will buy the amp and in a week or two theres gonna be dozens of metal clips floating around. Gibson is gonna wanna target the other types of people who dont play metal and try to show them that this amp can play other styles and put it in the hands of boomers and companies that will make videos showing its not just a metal amp and will try to sell to the non-metal groups of people and that might be why we have seen so many of these horrible sounding videos, gibson can sell more amps if they can get guys who arent metal players to buy one and make videos targeted towards that crowd, and then let Ola and guys like that make the videos to target the metal crowd. Most of us on the forum knows metallica wasnt the only band to play the IIC+, in the 80s there was other bands not playing metal using it, but maybe boomers who didnt play guitar back then or didnt pay attention to what tones and amps was used for non-metal recordings, and the past 20 years its been mostly metal videos of that amp people have been making which gives the impression its just a metal amp.

I could be wrong, but thats just what i thought when i seen the videos and way mesa marketed the amp with the guys they had playing it or some of the other videos.
Ive seen cars marketed in similar ways where a certain car has a certain type of buyer who always buys it and now they wanna expand further and also cater to a different type of driver or age group so they can sell more cars while still keeping the core group happy.

I dunno. If that was the case, would they have specifically chosen Fluff, Kyle, and Ben to demo the amp?

I think it's just that Gibson truly doesn't know what the hell they're doing with this amp.
Sooooo I’m not sure if it’s been discussed here, but did anyone see the video Kyle bull, fluff, and Ben Eller put up? And then they took it down because it sounded like absolute shit? ? god I love this, finally the masses are gonna be able to see what some of us “in the minority” have been saying forever…..overrated, bland, compressed, and shitty.
? You are right it says private video ?
These comments about Gibson being clueless are hilarious. They know exactly what they are doing. Do you really think Doug is that ignorant to not know the demographics of the IIC+ users and the classic GEQ frown? The man himself demonstrated it that way on the MKV official demo lest we forget. The boy can dance btw LOL

Did you guys ever stop to think about the backlash they received on the “authenticity” of the IIC+ mode when that amp was released? They can’t afford that again. They want you to take the risk of buying the amp to find out for yourselves.

Judging by the vids out there so far, it sounds like reissue has more inherent mids which could be a good or bad thing depending on what you prefer. I’m sure it’s close but not gnats ass spot on what too many of you are expecting. How can an amp that hasn’t been made in 40 years possibly pull that off? Yeaaaaaaah, I’ll just sit back and remain very content with my inferior MKIII Red stripe that’s only 2-3 years apart from construction techniques and parts of the OG.
This amp will certainly be better than any Dumble reissue. I case you didn't know, Dumble's getting into the reissue thing. The C+ is bound to be as good as the Mark VII or better, which is, IMO, better than most any amp out there.

I have both the Mark 535 and an OG Mark llC+. They're both fucking great amplifiers. I also have a Hopkins modded Marshall that slays. There is about a zillion amps I could rock out with and never need what I have. That Bogner in the video sounds great. But Boogie, Boogie makes me grin very wide and everyone who hears my Boogie tone goes, "hey now, that's why they call it a Boogie, huh? Wow-wee, now that is unbelievably great tone, damn!".

I don't eat steak every day either.

This amp will be a good compliment for those who collect a variety of things, not just amplifiers. The guy who has all reissue everything brand new, nice and clean house, car, guitars, yard etc. They don't care about how it drives or how it sounds, just how it looks.

Look at how many idiots bought the trump:poop:guitar. :geek:
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