MESA/Boogie® Mark IIC+ full demo & overview ft. Doug West & Tommy Waugh

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These comments about Gibson being clueless are hilarious. They know exactly what they are doing. Do you really think Doug is that ignorant to not know the demographics of the IIC+ users and the classic GEQ frown? The man himself demonstrated it that way on the MKV official demo lest we forget. The boy can dance btw LOL

Did you guys ever stop to think about the backlash they received on the “authenticity” of the IIC+ mode when that amp was released? They can’t afford that again. They want you to take the risk of buying the amp to find out for yourselves.

Judging by the vids out there so far, it sounds like reissue has more inherent mids which could be a good or bad thing depending on what you prefer. I’m sure it’s close but not gnats ass spot on what too many of you are expecting. How can an amp that hasn’t been made in 40 years possibly pull that off? Yeaaaaaaah, I’ll just sit back and remain very content with my inferior MKIII Red stripe that’s only 2-3 years apart from construction techniques and parts of the OG.

Yeah wasn’t Doug the one that pushed for his 60 watt non geq IIc+ to be the model they based the V off of, and it was a massive failure on that point. The IIC+ mode was small and extremely weak sounding. Maybe the issue is that they don’t give a shit about the metal community or what really pushed this amp into the realm it largely lives in today. If that’s the case Doug, Mesa, and Gibson are all wildly out of touch. Regardless hopefully some new clips will drop soon to address the crowd they are avoiding. I have one on order and it should be here on Monday. I’m excited to see how it stands up against the VII I have.
These comments about Gibson being clueless are hilarious. They know exactly what they are doing. Do you really think Doug is that ignorant to not know the demographics of the IIC+ users and the classic GEQ frown? The man himself demonstrated it that way on the MKV official demo lest we forget. The boy can dance btw LOL

Did you guys ever stop to think about the backlash they received on the “authenticity” of the IIC+ mode when that amp was released? They can’t afford that again. They want you to take the risk of buying the amp to find out for yourselves.

Judging by the vids out there so far, it sounds like reissue has more inherent mids which could be a good or bad thing depending on what you prefer. I’m sure it’s close but not gnats ass spot on what too many of you are expecting. How can an amp that hasn’t been made in 40 years possibly pull that off? Yeaaaaaaah, I’ll just sit back and remain very content with my inferior MKIII Red stripe that’s only 2-3 years apart from construction techniques and parts of the OG.

You're giving them way too much credit.

Gibson honestly, truly has no idea what they're doing here. The Sweetwater video was flooded with negative comments and taken down because of it, and not simply because it didn't do metal, but because it sounded like ass, full stop. That's not indicative of some master plan. That is good old fashioned panic.

A master plan like what you're talking about would be if they released a very good but not heavy metal-centric demo. A master plan like what you're talking about would have been to make the amp sound good in other ways, and just not showcasing the Metallica / Dream Theater tones because like you said, the metal guys will take care of that. OR better yet, if they actually wanted to show some versatility, they could have released a good sounding demo of it doing everything but putting the metal at the tail end of a larger demo that actually sounded good.

They didn't do that. They have been releasing clip after clip of this amp sounding universally dogshit, not appealing to anybody. That's not a master plan, that's just incompetence.
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Did anyone else notice that they took this video down?? (Probably because the comments were BRUTAL.) Bad look...

Also, I saw a post by @Bad.Seed on FB where he said this. Pretty disappointing (not by Kyle; by Gibson).

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That’s pretty funny that they removed it. Hate to pile on but it’s so weird that the company that makes the product doesn’t seem to know how to use it. It really isn’t hard? Treble up, bass and mids way down or off. Classic V for the eq. Go to town
i love that both Mesa and Sweetwater official channel videos have absolutely sucked

i hope this thing would be horrible if its actually as good as the original because then we will all lose one item of constant argument here on RT
Well mine should be here early next week, I'll definitley do some A/B reamps against my OG and post them.

Also I agree with the comments about marketing to other demographics, and I agree the C+ can do all that stuff well, but you HAVE TO RECORD GOOD VERSIONS of all those tones!!! Jesus guys. I'm an amateur and my stuff doesn't sound as good as guys like @Bad.Seed, but it sounds better than that!!

I know exactly what aspects of the V, JP & VII were good vs. disappointing to me so looking forward to seeing for myself.
had to fire up my III just to make sure i wasn’t loosing my mind on boogie tone after all these duds. III still crushes. i’ve played 4 different C+s over the years. was never a diehard fan from those experiences BUT they all sounded light years better than these early reissue clips. hard to understand mesa signing off on these official demos when guys like Blake and Ola exist.

and again i’ve played 2 VIIs and loved that amp!

And there it is. That searing, tight, crisp yet satisfyingly saturated liquid high gain voicing that obviously wasn’t too difficult to capture in this clip. That’s exactly what a healthy vintage C+ sounds like in the room. I’m not hearing even an inkling of these qualities from any of the reissue demos yet.
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If they had only gotten the light the right color ?
Orange sounds better!
Well mine should be here early next week, I'll definitley do some A/B reamps against my OG and post them.

Also I agree with the comments about marketing to other demographics, and I agree the C+ can do all that stuff well, but you HAVE TO RECORD GOOD VERSIONS of all those tones!!! Jesus guys. I'm an amateur and my stuff doesn't sound as good as guys like @Bad.Seed, but it sounds better than that!!

I know exactly what aspects of the V, JP & VII were good vs. disappointing to me so looking forward to seeing for myself.
You ordered the combo, right? ?
Can’t forget to turn the gain up and master up. It’s like they’re scared of the gain knob going to 9. Doesn’t make any sense.

Ever since Kyle singled me out on his social media page for “taking shit about him” when all I did was say the amp sounded like ass and compared it to one of Ola’s vids, I’ve lost all credit for his perspectives. Why should his paid reviews matter more than my freedom of speech. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. Amps that sound like ass sound like ass regardless of who’s recording it or its price tag.
He’d never make it as a Ghostfacer, they’ll stay in the damn kitchen!

Yeaa…..exactly. Because a thing is a fucking turd, just like the OG ?
Aww man, you're loving this aren't you?

I think the criticism is mostly justified. They've got the wrong people playing the wrong thing with the wrong settings and seemingly no one capable overseeing the audio recording.

And of course we want to hear some metal, but the medium gain and 'singing lead' tones have also been completely underwhelming. Heard some nice cleans but that's hardly surprising or exciting.

Again the amp will probably sound good in person but for the love of tone Mesa should know better.
Can’t forget to turn the gain up and master up. It’s like they’re scared of the gain knob going to 9. Doesn’t make any sense.

Ever since Kyle singled me out on his social media page for “talking shit about him” when all I did was say the amp sounded like ass and compared it to one of Ola’s vids, I’ve lost all credit for his perspectives. Why should his paid reviews matter more than my freedom of speech. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. Amps that sound like ass sound like ass regardless of who’s recording it or its price tag.
Some but not all of these paid Youtubers seem to think that their opinion is the God's spoken truth and how dare we question their all knowing insight on tone and how to dial in an amp.. oh the arrogance of us all:poop:
Can’t forget to turn the gain up and master up. It’s like they’re scared of the gain knob going to 9. Doesn’t make any sense.

Ever since Kyle singled me out on his social media page for “talking shit about him” when all I did was say the amp sounded like ass and compared it to one of Ola’s vids, I’ve lost all credit for his perspectives. Why should his paid reviews matter more than my freedom of speech. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. Amps that sound like ass sound like ass regardless of who’s recording it or its price tag.

A lot of gear purveyors out there just need YouTube clicks.
I have seen some of his vids. My issue is no matter what amp he has he always manages to make them all sound alike. Could just be me but different amps have different tones. Different guitars have different tones too. I mean if you’re just wanting a chug amp buy a Peavey and toss a pedal in front if it. Done.
I prefer the heavy tones. But if you listen to various artists they all have a certain tone everyone chases. From Ed to petrucci to Jimi etc.
Same with boost pedals. Some amps need them. Some don’t. If you have a 4K amp and toss a 75.00 boost pedal in front of it you’re looking at the wrong amp. None of my MKIII’s need any boost. My rectos Yep
Not knocking the dude but just not my flavor.