More white supremacist crime

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"I’m calling you out directly here, posting an image and my first name on a forum, thinking you can intimidate and attack is fucked up and a sign of someone unhinged and with too much time on their hands. I support free speech and your right to your opinion, but you seriously need to get a life."


This would have zero effect on what peeps post in this section.

The Classifieds rule serves a useful purpose; this one would not. Trolls gonna troll whether you or I like it or not.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestion mate.
Allowing this sub forum to exist and keeping political discussions out of the main forum serves no useful purpose? I'd argue that it does, and does it very well.
I'm not sure you'll read this but I hope you do. I'm not going to insult, demean, or 'raise shit'. I'm going to offer an explanation as to why what you see as nefarious really isn't. Some of this I've posted before but for completeness I've reposted it.

As I said, I was a member here when Rig Talk started as an alternative to TGP and Harmony Central. I even still have my "No Amp For You" Cameron Amps t-shirt somewhere in a drawer. As time went on I ended up posting mostly at a couple invitation only guitar sites and I let my memberships at HCAF, Rig Talk, and TGP languish.

A few months ago Rig Talk got mentioned at one of the private forums and I thought "hmm, I wonder what's up there". Wow, the place has changed! I've been lurking for a while. "What kind of strings do you use" and "What amp should I buy so I sound like Eddie Van Hendrix" threads hold zero interest for me. I've been playing "professionally" (getting paid being the defining factor) since I was 16 and I've figured out the answers to all those questions the hard way - on my own. I don't need to ask them any more. So, what interests me are the off topic areas. That's where I've been lurking here.

Now, I'm what you'd call a radical leftist when compared to most of the posters here. I figure you guys need a little balance. I knew my first post would cause a bit of a shit storm but that's ok - this place is loose and fast and that kind of thing seems almost encouraged here. And I stand by my first post. The US has become a police state and people are sick of it and are going to fight back.

One thing you'll NEVER find me doing is calling other posters a "retard" or a "fucktard". I don't give a shit if other do, I have thick skin/broad shoulders and can ignore crap like that easily.

Hope this helps. I'll shut up now. It's Sunday and I have Sunday type things to do. See you all tomorrow.
Nice essay :LOL:
You're a troll. It's really that simple. Whether or not you were a former member, I don't know and I don't really care. The fact is, you created an account on a forum that is dedicated to, and for musicians and their gear. YOU chose to make your first post in the OT forum that contains politics and the post just so happened to be extremely disrepectful towards Law Enforcement. This make you a troll....period.

I've got news for you, cupcake. We don't live in a "Police State". Human beings are not infallible. They need rules by which to live by. Otherwise, we are animals. Those that choose to break the rules have to face the consequences, and sometimes, it can get ugly. Follow the rules of a civilized person in the first place, you have nothing to worry about.

In my experience, those that bash police officers the way that you did are one of two types:
A: Those that are incapable of following rules and living like civilized human beings which leads to multiple LE interactions
B: Basement dwelling keyboard pussies that actually think there is some obtainable Utopia and think "Safe Spaces" are a good thing.
Carry on.
No one has an irrational fear of sodomites.

This is a device you people use in an attempt to control the discourse.

I know you people love to use that term, but it's expiration date (due to extreme overuse) is getting very near. :ROFLMAO:
You live in fear of sodomy being “perpetrated against you”?!?
Nice essay :LOL:
You're a troll. It's really that simple. Whether or not you were a former member, I don't know and I don't really care. The fact is, you created an account on a forum that is dedicated to, and for musicians and their gear. YOU chose to make your first post in the OT forum that contains politics and the post just so happened to be extremely disrepectful towards Law Enforcement. This make you a troll....period.

I've got news for you, cupcake. We don't live in a "Police State". Human beings are not infallible. They need rules by which to live by. Otherwise, we are animals. Those that choose to break the rules have to face the consequences, and sometimes, it can get ugly. Follow the rules of a civilized person in the first place, you have nothing to worry about.

In my experience, those that bash police officers the way that you did are one of two types:
A: Those that are incapable of following rules and living like civilized human beings which leads to multiple LE interactions
B: Basement dwelling keyboard pussies that actually think there is some obtainable Utopia and think "Safe Spaces" are a good thing.
Carry on.
Dislikes police brutality = Troll

Fine, I'll own that proudly.
No one has an irrational fear of sodomites
So your emphasis is on the “having”? Not the “irrational”? It’s a very confusing sentence. Conflicted, even.
I'm nowhere near as precious as you handfull of shit-fucks who drop in every other week, and only ever post in the off-topic sub-forum of a guitar gear site.

I can’t figure out if you are a 15 year old drop out sniffing glue in mommy’s basement, or a 50+ year old, divorced dude that hates his ex-wife, lawyers, and hasn’t spoken to his children in years. Either way, good luck.

You're wrong again, fudge-packer.

No. It is definitely one or the other. There is no way your level of misery is limited to your time spent here. As I said, good luck.
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