Wasn’t meant to be a low blow, but you shared details and you post some nutty stuff.panhead whips out the border when he gets defensive.
Dave goes for the low blow.
Nice one Dave!
Wasn’t meant to be a low blow.
Sadly, the vaccine isn’t working.
“We have seen a 25% increase in deaths of people who are FULLY Vaccinated”
I never said anything about his position on the vaccine or telling people to get vaccinated.
I showed a video that the governor is saying that there is a massive uptick in deaths of vaccinated people
I didn’t make it big. I copied and pasted the headline. The font size stayed the same. Man, you really aren’t good at this computer thing are you pops?Begs the question, why did you take the time to increase the text size and bold that one line?
You made a clear statement that vaccines aren't working. That's called confirmation bias.
You wear your bias on your sleeve Dave.
It'd be funny if you weren't fucking around with such a serious subject.
No. But it reduces the chances.Does the vaccine prevent the spread of Covid?
Sure. It's a germ that likes sticking to soft tissue - like in your nose and mouth.Can a vaccinated person spread Covid to another vaccinated person?
No. Why do you keep asking the same question?Does the vaccine prevent someone from contracting Covid?
Sure.Can someone who is vaccinated still die from contracting Covid?
Which definition of the word eradicate are you using?If we had a 100% vaccination rate, would Covid be completely eradicated?
Does the Covid vaccination cause severe side effects including death?
If what you are saying is true, how would you explain Israel? 80% of the population has been vaccinated, yet Covid is spreading like wildfire and hospitals are overrun. See Harddriver's post above.Why get vaccinated?
- greatly reduces your chance of catching C19
- if you get C19 it greatly reduces your chances of getting seriously sick
- it almost eliminates the need for hospitalization
- you become a member of the human race's goal of herd immunity
And stop posting cherry picked news blurbs from obviously biased sources.
The germ has been infecting the entire planet now for a year and a half,
and there's been more than 5 billion doses of vaccines given.
You find a news blurb, try at least vetting it a bit before accepting it as fact.
And if you post it here you can be sure it will get vetted by others.
If what you are saying is true, how would you explain Israel? 80% of the population has been vaccinated, yet Covid is spreading like wildfire and hospitals are overrun. See Harddriver's post above.
Professor Eyal Leshem, an infectious disease specialist at Sheba Medical Center who has been treating patients on Israel’s frontlines, said that while cases were rising, the rate of severe illness remained “substantially lower.”
“We attribute that to the fact that most of our adult population is vaccinated with two doses, and more than one million people have received the third booster dose,” he said.
“The severe disease rates in the vaccinated are about one-tenth of those seen in the unvaccinated, which means the vaccine is still over 90% effective in preventing severe disease,” Leshem added. “People who received the booster dose are also at much, much lower risk of becoming infected, our short-term data shows.”
The vaccine doesn't keep you out of the hospital. Read above... well it keeps you out of the hospital if you die before getting there. I guess that's what you mean....Yes, data show the infection rates in Israel are high right now. We already know the vaccine does not make you immune.
The vaccine keeps you out of the hospital.
So what's your point with the above posts? The vaccine is bad?
We don't need anyone here to tell everyone this Covid sucker is still out there and it's crazy infectious.
The vaccine doesn't keep you out of the hospital. Read above... well it keeps you out of the hospital if you die before getting there. I guess that's what you mean....