Presidential debate tonight 9/10/24 at 9pm est

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What makes you think any of my opinions about the debate are particularly strong ? I said clearly, my opinion based on the clips and commentary I heard. At any rate, the opinions I expressed really weren’t about the debate as much as they are about Harris’s known positions and the magical transformation into a centrist you guys are trying to sell.
My opinion about your strong beliefs is based on your tenacious activity in this thread. You didn't watch the event this thread is all about, and yet you keep arguing strongly against people who did. What else would you call that?
Well technically it's a free country so anyone is entitled to any opinion whether they watched it or not. Not sure what kinda person pisses away valuable time watching a bunch of schicklgrubers on a debate stage anyways.
And more to the current point, how does it make me the aggressor in this situation ? As Clev is trying to make the case.

Which pretty much leads me to believe he isn’t actually interested in civil discourse. He’s more interested in teaming up with Danielle because he is in love with her.
Every four years, us serfs get an opportunity to vote on a new president. Then there's elections for senate and congress. Yet very little changes in Washington DC.
This is the draw of Trump. He's far from perfect and way too old but goddamn if he finally has people seeing that there are no SIDES--it is a machine that must be dismantled. I think that is one thing social media has done FOR us (instead of TO us)--allow us all to peek behind the curtain.
I met Vivek on the campaign trail this year and am hopeful people like he, Elon, Gabbard, Desantis and RFKJr can help direct our government more towards its people rather than around us. I have hope.
Aside from the video I already posted? Lol
Yeah, I watched the fucking video Dan. She gave a typical non answer and was not pressed any further on it. I also saw a clip where the same thing happened with orangey and the male moderator pressed him to actually answer the question. So tell me again how my assessment based on what I saw and read is inaccurate.
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My opinion about your strong beliefs is based on your tenacious activity in this thread. You didn't watch the event this thread is all about, and yet you keep arguing strongly against people who did. What else would you call that?
Arguing about specifics of the debate ? Show me where.
What do you plan on stringing it with? Do you have a favorite acoustic string? I always liked Ernie Ball Earthwood Bronze even though they are a little bit cheaper and some guys bag on them.
I am woefully ignorant when it comes to acoustic strings. I have a set of earthwood rock and blues I was going to put on tonight but I have no idea where my pin puller is and I can’t bring myself to stick pliers on a new guitar lol.
Those are 10-52 i think which might be a little light, but I’ll give them a shot.
And more to the current point, how does it make me the aggressor in this situation ? As Clev is trying to make the case.
I don't know. I'm only interested in spreading the love down here tonight, not engaging in arguments that will soon be forgotten. Truthfully I prayed for your bro and your employee/co-worker dude who got shot in St. Louie along with Sophie Brezina, whoever she was. I have her Catholic missal so I sometimes pray for her. Last night I prayed for some people I knew personally so tonight it was people I didn't know personally. I hope someone prays for me when I am dead.
This is the draw of Trump. He's far from perfect and way too old but goddamn if he finally has people seeing that there are no SIDES--it is a machine that must be dismantled. I think that is one thing social media has done FOR us (instead of TO us)--allow us all to peek behind the curtain.
I met Vivek on the campaign trail this year and am hopeful people like he, Elon, Gabbard, Desantis and RFKJr can help direct our government more towards its people rather than around us. I have hope.
They will never let that happen brother.
Yeah, I watched the fucking video Dan. She gave a typical non answer and was not pressed any further on it. I also saw a clip where the same thing happened with orangey and the male moderator pressed him to actually answer the question. So tell me again how my assessment based on what I saw and read is inaccurate.

You said the moderators didn’t ask her about her flip flopping so I posted a video of them asking about her flip flopping.

You can talk about her answers all you want, but her answers are not why I posted the clip
I don't know. I'm only interested in spreading the love down here tonight, not engaging in arguments that will soon be forgotten. Truthfully I prayed for your bro and your employee/co-worker dude who got shot in St. Louie along with Sophie Brezina, whoever she was. I have her Catholic missal so I sometimes pray for her. Last night I prayed for some people I knew personally so tonight it was people I didn't know personally. I hope someone prays for me when I am dead.
You’re a good dude. I don’t pray but I hope Someone does for you too.
I am woefully ignorant when it comes to acoustic strings. I have a set of earthwood rock and blues I was going to put on tonight but I have no idea where my pin puller is and I can’t bring myself to stick pliers on a new guitar lol.
Those are 10-52 i think which might be a little light, but I’ll give them a shot.
I like mediums. Earthwoods are nice. So are Martins. The D'Addarios are decent. John Pearse also makes a nice string. I mostly don't like Elixirs. Can't think of a better way to deaden a string than to wrap it in plastic. I don't see how that results in an advantage other than keeping oils off the metal string parts.
You said the moderators didn’t ask her about her flip flopping so I posted a video of them asking about her flip flopping.

You can talk about her answers all you want, but her answers are not why I posted the clip
No dude. I asked you if they did. And when you posted the clip where they did, I pointed out that they didn’t press her for an actual answer. My opinion on that was based on your fucking clip.
No dude. I asked you if they did. And when you posted the clip where they did, I pointed out that they didn’t press her for an actual answer. My opinion on that was based on your fucking clip.
None of that changes the fact that you had to start showing your ass because you didn’t like what I was saying. Even though none of it was an attack on you personally.
You’re a good dude. I don’t pray but I hope Simeon does for you too.
Thanks, but I'm not as good of a dude as you, which is probably why I pray. I don't really know why but I feel called to pray for the deceased. I know a lot of old friends and acquaintances lost to the needle. I know a girl whose husband murdered her with a knife in front of her kids a few years ago. This world is like a pile of smoking wreckage. There was a great schema and several other priests at church on sunday. There are only two great schemas in the US so I guess maybe I have been feeling inspired spiritually this week. In other news the boss at my side gig has been kind of disrespectful the past couple weeks and I'm starting to reach the end of my patience for men of retired age having little childish fits when I am doing my best to help them.
Thanks, but I'm not as good of a dude as you, which is probably why I pray. I don't really know why but I feel called to pray for the deceased. I know a lot of old friends and acquaintances lost to the needle. I know a girl whose husband murdered her with a knife in front of her kids a few years ago. This world is like a pile of smoking wreckage. There was a great schema and several other priests at church on sunday. There are only two great schemas in the US so I guess maybe I have been feeling inspired spiritually this week. In other news the boss at my side gig has been kind of disrespectful the past couple weeks and I'm starting to reach the end of my patience for men of retired age having little childish fits when I am doing my best to help them.
You are introspective and not emotional...prob due to your Faith. You will do the right thing 👊
None of that changes the fact that you had to start showing your ass because you didn’t like what I was saying. Even though none of it was an attack on you personally.

How about you cry about it some more lol.

A couple weeks ago you were talking about fucking my mom, and now you are confused why im being a prick to you. Doofus.
Thanks, but I'm not as good of a dude as you, which is probably why I pray. I don't really know why but I feel called to pray for the deceased. I know a lot of old friends and acquaintances lost to the needle. I know a girl whose husband murdered her with a knife in front of her kids a few years ago. This world is like a pile of smoking wreckage. There was a great schema and several other priests at church on sunday. There are only two great schemas in the US so I guess maybe I have been feeling inspired spiritually this week. In other news the boss at my side gig has been kind of disrespectful the past couple weeks and I'm starting to reach the end of my patience for men of retired age having little childish fits when I am doing my best to help them.
I don’t think what people did or were in the past defines what they are now. If it does I’m definitely in deep shit.
No dude. I asked you if they did. And when you posted the clip where they did, I pointed out that they didn’t press her for an actual answer. My opinion on that was based on your fucking clip.

She just didn’t give the answer you wanted