Proof the Earth is round

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Well I should bow out of this discussion - I'm not meant to have anything to do with ignorant controversies

2 Timothy 2:23-24

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil,
You are generally the guy who gets quarrelsome about this one though so yeah maybe it would be best you not discuss it.
Job 9:6

He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble.

1 Samuel 2:8

He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and on them he has set the world.

Yes but it remains an IGNORANT controversy.
Yes, and you make it quarrelsome, having to restrain yourself from insulting someone over conversational topics.
Job 9:6

He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble.

1 Samuel 2:8

He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and on them he has set the world.

Yes, and you make it quarrelsome, having to restrain yourself from insulting someone over conversational topics.
Well mate, to be honest the fact the earth is a spheroid isn't actually controversial. Anyone who says otherwise is wilfully ignorant and foolish. And pillars of the Earth is an idiomatic figure of speech.
Well mate, to be honest the fact the earth is a spheroid isn't actually controversial. Anyone who says otherwise is wilfully ignorant. And pillars of the Earth is an idiomatic figure of speech.
You refuse to even see some of the holes in the argument for ball earth so you're not here to debate, you're here to call anyone who doesn't believe as you do "ignorant". Well, that isn't a discussion, that's just you not liking what others think.
It's only 'ignorant' if you take as proof the fake pictures, videos and stories about moon landings.
Even if you don't believe that man landed on the moon despite the incontrovertible evidence to the contrary there have been countless other probes that have flown past and robotic landings from several nations. Russia, China, Japan, Russia, Europe. You are being foolish or deliberately idiotic.
You refuse to even see some of the holes in the argument for ball earth so you're not here to debate, you're here to call anyone who doesn't believe as you do "ignorant". Well, that isn't a discussion, that's just you not liking what others think.
There are opinions and hard fact. This is hard fact. It's not social science where everyone has an opinion and their only version of the truth. This is not the stuff of a snopes article where someone has to fact check.
Even if you don't believe that man landed on the moon despite the incontrovertible evidence to the contrary there have been countless other probes that have flown past and robotic landings from several nations. Russia, China, Japan, Russia, Europe. You are being foolish or deliberately idiotic.
There's no incontrovertible evidence about the moon landings either. There are many gaps and inconsistencies as a matter of fact.
Honestly, the debate is not even interesting to me at this point. It's not going to be resolved. But how different people think about it, evaluate the evidence and so on is quite interesting to me.

From the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

No there are not.
What one person finds satisfactory another may not. In this sense it's subjective. You might find an oral testimony and picture convincing, or explanations about misplaced records, rocks and so on, but another might not. I don't personally find these pictures and explanations compelling.
There are opinions and hard fact. This is hard fact. It's not social science where everyone has an opinion and their only version of the truth. This is not the stuff of a snopes article where someone has to fact check.
It's not though, its the same geocentrism vs heliocentrism debate that has been ongoing for thousands of years. It's the realm of pure speculation, which is why you said you weren't gonna take part in it, remember?
What one person finds satisfactory another may not. In this sense it's subjective. You might find an oral testimony and pictures convincing, or explanations about misplaced records, rocks and so on, but another might not. I don't find these explanations and pictures very compelling.
I can see all the other planets with my own eyes through a telescope and see they are three dimensional from their moons orbiting in front and behind them. The Earth is exactly the same with its own moon. You have been shown there are two poles even from the evidence in the sky with the stars wheeling around them (the TWO poles) overhead. Honestly you are being ridiculous.
I can see all the other planets with my own eyes through a telescope and see they are three dimensional from their moons orbiting in front and behind them.
Where did you buy a 3-d telescope? You saw everything in 2-d and are making assumptions on shape.
I can see all the other planets with my own eyes through a telescope and see they are three dimensional from their moons orbiting in front and behind them. The Earth is exactly the same with its own moon. You have been shown there are two poles even from the evidence in the sky with the stars wheeling around them (the TWO poles) overhead. Honestly you are being ridiculous.
That you can view what you think are spheroid objects with moons is one thing, but extrapolating that must mean we live on a simmillar object is a jump, albeit a reasoned one. I will look into the star movement and poles issue. It's been a while since I was looking into this stuff, but I remember there being alternate explanations. Maybe on second investigation they prove lacking. ?‍♂️
Where did you buy a 3-d telescope? You saw everything in 2-d and are making assumptions on shape.
I see the planets rotating in real time and the moons casting shadows on the surface of the planet and then going behind the planet. Not only that the velocity of the moons is related to a sine wave - faster as it passes in front of us and slower as it rounds the corner so to speak. It's spherical. Also the moon has shadows from its features that are related to the angle of the sun on them.