Shots just fired in Trumps vicinity. Part II

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yes. again, read what 2A says. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" - nothing about what specific arms are covered = all arms are covered by 2A.
That’s crap imo
Just because tech exists doesn’t mean that every American citizen should have access to it.
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I’m not making fun of pets being eaten, I’m making fun of the people who are afraid immigrants are coming for their pets
You and fucking buttpicker making jokes about side dishes to have with pets and posting pictures of a pet in a hotdog costume is 100% you making light of pets being butchered and eaten. Disagree about what's actually happening, fine. But make light of a family member being killed is something only a sick & twisted trash person would do. And notice I said family member. Only the lowest of the low do not consider a beloved pet as a family member in some capacity. This is completely repulsive to me.
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You and fucking buttpicker making jokes about side dishes to have with pets and posting pictures of a pet in a hotdog costume is 100% you making light of pets being butchered and eaten. Disagree about what's actually happening, fine. But make light of a family member being killed is something only a sick & twisted trash person would do. And notice I said family member. Only the lowest of the low do not consider a beloved pet as a family member in some capacity. This is completely repulsive to me.
well that’s too bad
is that what MSNPC told you? just believe what they tell you without question. that's a good obedient NPC, just what the DNC wants.
MSNPC HAHAHA!!!! That's brilliant
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You and fucking buttpicker making jokes about side dishes to have with pets and posting pictures of a pet in a hotdog costume is 100% you making light of pets being butchered and eaten. Disagree about what's actually happening, fine. But make light of a family member being killed is something only a sick & twisted trash person would do. And notice I said family member. Only the lowest of the low do not consider a beloved pet as a family member in some capacity. This is completely repulsive to me.

+1 for the brilliant government for letting in 1000's of people from a Voodoo culture.
+1 for the brilliant government for letting in 1000's of people from a Voodoo culture.
Extra credit for worthless people like Dan who make vile jokes about it. Mistreatment of animals and making light of situations such as this is a telltale sign of people who completely lack empathy and are psychopathic. It's only a small step away from moving on to people.
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Lol ya lost me there.... I am not a lefty. I am also not American. Not agreeing with or supporting Trump doesn't make someone a lefty.

This the part where you relpy and tell me to mind my own business and stick with my countries own problems.
Yeah, you been here what, about a week ? From your first post it was obvious you’re a liberal. What is it with you fucking guys always pretending you’re not what you are ? Do you think it somehow gives you credibility to speak about politics because you claim to be neither left or right, but “centrist “ ? It doesn’t. Every political issue you come down on the left so quit lying. No one believes you.
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Again proving you have no knowledge on the subject. Yet you continue speaking about it as if you are an authority.

When you guys who like to blame inanimate objects for violence instead of the people who commit it can figure out a way to keep that shit out of the hands of criminals, then you can talk about stripping citizens of the ability to defend themselves with equal footing. Until then who gives a fuck what you think is legal.
Lol ya lost me there.... I am not a lefty. I am also not American. Not agreeing with or supporting Trump doesn't make someone a lefty.

This the part where you relpy and tell me to mind my own business and stick with my countries own problems.
well, your shithole country is likely worse than ours. it's probably a place few outside of its' own citizens care about or know about.

I'm sure your countries problems are taking care of themselves, so you have time to care about what happens in the USA. you know if you care so much about the US, our border is wide open, just walk across, the border patrol whatever you like, then get free housing, food, medical, etc. compliments of the American taxpayer.

You'll probably like Portland or Seattle; but stop in LA and San Francisco on your way just to be sure.
There was hundreds of them chanting Hang Pence. They also brought the noose with them. I am sure they aren't showing this footage very much where you get your news from lol.

The only things i have commented or made light of in here is Trump himself and the crazies that follow conspiracy shit like Qanon etc.
I have never said a peep about the gun laws and abortion discussions in here. I am honestly not a lefty. I am also not from US.
Then you probably ought to shut the fuck up about US domestic politics. Where are you from ?
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That’s crap imo
Just because tech exists doesn’t mean that every American citizen should have access to it.
reading with comprehension helps. just because you don't believe it doesn't make it false.

Jefferson received a letter from a friend who owned merchant ships that were being attacked by pirates; he asked Jefferson if the Constitution allowed him to arm his ships with the latest naval cannon to which Jefferson replied, yes that 2A is to ensure citizens have access to the same weapons available to the military. As one of the writers of the Constitution, who attended the meetings and votes on the Constitution and its' ratification, I think he knows more about the meaning, purpose and intent than most people alive today, including you.

deal with it.
That’s crap imo
Just because tech exists doesn’t mean that every American citizen should have access to it.
Name another amendment or place in the constitution where it says “ The people” but it doesn’t actually mean the people. Name another amendment that is as concise and easy to understand as the second amendment. It was written specifically so people were not at the mercy of tyrants in government. There’s no other way to interpret the 2A that doesn’t require lying and/or disregarding the constitution. But, hey, Dan knows better than the guys who created this republic. ???
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reading with comprehension helps. just because you don't believe it doesn't make it false.

Jefferson received a letter from a friend who owned merchant ships that were being attacked by pirates; he asked Jefferson if the Constitution allowed him to arm his ships with the latest naval cannon to which Jefferson replied, yes that 2A is to ensure citizens have access to the same weapons available to the military. As one of the writers of the Constitution, who attended the meetings and votes on the Constitution and its' ratification, I think he knows more about the meaning, purpose and intent than most people alive today, including you.

deal with it.

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If we don't allow everyone access to tech (or weapons) you just create a class of ubermensch who can control everything while everyone else suffers. Freedom entails risk. Safe societies mean a curtailment of freedoms. I would rather live in a risk/reward based society myself.
Yet h
the person who asked me what I thought should be legal or not.
Which wasn’t you, yet here you are
Yet here I am ? lol.

That has zero fucking meaning in this context. You overuse that phrase. Get some new material Dan.
Name another amendment or place in the constitution where it says “ The people” but it doesn’t actually mean the people. Name another amendment that is as concise and easy to understand as the second amendment. It was written specifically so people were not at the mercy of tyrants in government. There’s no other way to interpret the 2A that doesn’t require lying and/or disregarding the constitution. But, hey, Dan knows better than the guys who created this republic. ???

Easy tough guy. It’s too early for you to be getting worked up