Dan Gleesak
Well-known member
Peterson is the only one I’ve had a problem with. I had some very nice conversations with Herb and Scott Auld about things, Alec too. They were honest and upfront and I appreciated that. They don’t make the rules either, just help enforce them.I agree you were not a problem
but I don’t think the staff is either… I think sometimes they don’t understand the “inside” whatnots and don’t really see the big picture but I’m not going to bash them like you guys do. Eric, Scott DGT and others are okay by me… I’m sorry you guys have had problems with them. But the bashing and other is a little much IMO.
Peterson has the power make decisions or reverse decisions but he just doesn’t care if does not immediately benefit the site.
I do believe he wants what he thinks is best for the site, unfortunately I also believe the membership is not what he thinks is important anymore. I’ve shared dozens of emails with him over the years and he has not once showed me a shred of respect when replying to me.
So now that I don’t feel the need to show him respect anymore, I’m going to shit all over him as I please. I have years worth of pent up frustration over that prick lol