The IIC+reissue goes live Dec. 3rd. $3599

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Don’t forget me ?
Has anyone asked if the ++ switchable mod can be done on this head?
I see the Reverb and Graphic EQ are footswitchable on this reissue. They weren’t on the originals, correct? Lord, help us.
Yeah, Mike said he's not interested. Said it would involve cutting traces.

If G were smart they would have built it in, along with a pentode / triode switch. Both legit C+ mods.
100% right GJgo. I got a feeling Gibson rushed to slap this together for the profits and didn't think it through.

Most buyers will be content with finally obtaining a "IIC+". Will it be close, sure. But not adding the +/++ to it = missed opportunity.

The pilot light and EQ knobs are a tall tell sign of this. Why not spend the extra money to pay hommage to your most legendary amp?
So much negativity here. ?

If it replicates the tone I could care less what it looks like. It’s an amp not a guitar with a 10 top.
Soldano SLO 100 reissues sound just the same

December 3rd full review. I’ll reserve judgement till then.
^ that was just posted 1.5 hours ago :dunno:

Yeah, Mike said he's not interested. Said it would involve cutting traces.

If G were smart they would have built it in, along with a pentode / triode switch. Both legit C+ mods.

I thought Mike retired? Regardless, how much to you think it costs Gibson to build these?
Mentions Metallica and plays no thrash metal

Gibson demos are always like that.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever heard any official Gibson employee actually play a single modern high gain palm mute.
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Why didn't they use the original simul class design using 6L6/EL34 or all 6L6?
@mesaboogieE34L you can use EL34's in the outside sockets with the new reissue, just like the originals.

Mesa is recommending all 6L6's or a mix with NOS EL34's, due to the voltage handling ability of modern EL34's.
@mesaboogieE34L you can use EL34's in the outside sockets with the new reissue, just like the originals.

Mesa is recommending all 6L6's or a mix with NOS EL34's, due to the voltage handling ability of modern EL34's.
Mark V and VII simul class isn't like that
I've got one on order. Have always wanted one but don't want to pay current market prices for an OG. I'm excited about it but we'll see how it is when it gets here