Hope you’re still ok
And there it is.....this is the breakdown of complex systems due to mismanagement.was curious and checked out those links. The first just tells you about private insurance, and says the fair act will pay out substantially less "if" you quality.
The second has been taken down?
The third is fact checking Trump, saying there was no water shortage and no legislation that blocked the supply of water. The entire country watched firefighters unable to fight fires because there was no water in the hydrants. We've all seen the videos of Newsome taking up the fight for "Smelt" at this point. From the outside, it looks like the most beautiful state in the country, has been literally run into the ground by incompetent leadership.
I hope @Fusionbear is OK.. He hasn't posted since Wednesday and the fire was just a few streets away. He didn't seem too worried by his posts but I would've been!
Man, really glad to hear all is well with you!I'm OK, the Eaton Canyon fire was 5 miles west of me.
Not correctI heard most that studio complex is underground.
It would be interesting to know how banks allowed insurers to cancel policies on homes and properties with current mortgages. I remember there were multiple fires when I was visiting a friend outside San Francisco in 2014 and the state almost seems even less prepared ten years later.
I was watching footage of buildings ablaze everywhere and as the news truck passed one building that was not on fire with multiple firetrucks parked around it spraying it down it became apparent that this was a firestation.
Sucks all around but those with cancelled insurance policies are now double fooked..................
Seems firefighting budgets were cut and unused equipment given to Ukraine in 2022 regardless of water access.
And those plans probably do not cover total 2025 replacement costs. I guess because of weather areas of the country will now be completely un-insurable and if you can as you point out, it will be unaffordable for most people. My insurance across the board continues to increase annually where I live as well and I don't have hurricanes and wildfires.There is a Ca. State program, "Ca. Fair Plan" which you can get if you are cancelled or the premiums are unaffordable for you.
But, it's minimal coverage & really only covers a small amount, or satisfies the lender requirements if there is a loan on the property.
The lender will find and secure a policy if you go without (usually at a really high premium) and they will add it to your monthly mortgage payment.
Look where they did spend the money after the 17.5 million to the fire fighters budget was cut. It would blow your mind.was curious and checked out those links. The first just tells you about private insurance, and says the fair act will pay out substantially less "if" you quality.
The second has been taken down?
The third is fact checking Trump, saying there was no water shortage and no legislation that blocked the supply of water. The entire country watched firefighters unable to fight fires because there was no water in the hydrants. We've all seen the videos of Newsome taking up the fight for "Smelt" at this point. From the outside, it looks like the most beautiful state in the country, has been literally run into the ground by incompetent leadership.
Well truthfully FL has been hit hard a few times in the past 20 years. Charlie really tore up Punta Gorda and North Port area in '04. There was people living in FEMA trailers for years afterwards.It is crazy how Florida got hit with that hurricane damage this year, Ashville with unreal flooding and now this in L.A. Just crazy how huge these events have been and damage that hasn't been seen in a century.
That's crazy ,Im in NC and I heard similar stories about the mountains. The government tells you cant rebuild so you're fucked?Well truthfully FL has been hit hard a few times in the past 20 years. Charlie really tore up Punta Gorda and North Port area in '04. There was people living in FEMA trailers for years afterwards.
But the biggest gulf coast area, Tampa/St. Pete, has managed to avoid a direct hit for over 100 years. It's a pirate's cove for a reason. My sister just got approval for her rebuild after getting about five feet of surge through her place. The FEMA people or whoever said "damage exceeds x percentage of your home's value so you cannot rebuild" so she had to hire a private appraiser, which fixed the situation. I have a feeling they are going to try the same stuff with our California friends....
Not sure about the NC situation but in FL a lot of the insurance is through the state already, "citizens" or whatever because private insurers don't want to carry the risk. FEMA lowballs you on the estimate of the home's value and if damage exceeds something like 50 percent of that value they won't allow you to pull permits. So the process is to hire a private appraiser, who will give an actual value to the home, then the damage doesn't exceed what FEMA has declared. She could've still rebuilt, but you have to put the whole home on stilts up to current code, which is around 150-200k, so it effectively would screw you out of your home cause most people can't swing that.That's crazy ,Im in NC and I heard similar stories about the mountains. The government tells you cant rebuild so you're fucked?
Did you ever unclog beaver dams in culverts?
I live in Vermont, and the lead singer of my bands for over 20 years was a National Crew Chief for the emergency wildfire crews. Every year he headed to Montana, Oregon, California, etc to work these huge fires and train all kinds of people in what to do. He made large amounts of cash each time, and he survived, but I never would've been able to do that. . . I was always stuck with calling the clubowners canceling each time he left!
I'm OK, the Eaton Canyon fire was 5 miles west of me.
Still scary. The wind was the worst I have experienced in my lifetime. Some gearheads lost their homes and businesses....
The view from my front yard was ominous. The wind was blowing southwest, so I was pretty confident we would be spared from the flames. On my street we lost a couple of big trees and had branches, leaves, and other blown stuff everywhere. Took me two hours to clean up. But, that is nothing compared to those who lost everything. Our community has come together and we are donating food and clothing to those who lost it all..
that's cool, but didn't they already cancel policies several months ago? This only protects people from insurance dropping you after Wednesday, which sounds illegal anyway?Insurance commissioner issues moratorium on home policy cancellations in fire zones
that's cool, but didn't they already cancel policies several months ago? This only protects people from insurance dropping you after Wednesday, which sounds illegal anyway?
"The moratorium, issued Thursday, protects homeowners living within the perimeter of the fire and in adjoining ZIP codes from losing their policies for one year, starting from when Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Wednesday."