Wow!!! So sorry. I live right down the street from you (Vista) and haven't anything about this. I truly hope everything works out for the better for you and your possessions.
I lost everything in a flood a number of years ago so I completely empathize with you.
People like to say it's just things, and at least you're safe. While the most important thing is that you and your family are safe, no one understands the true gravity of things unless they've been in that situation. You're standing in front of a pile of rubble and it hits you. It's not just things, it's a representation of everything you've worked for your entire life just gone. It's a devastating feeling.
I'm glad you're safe and I truly hope all turns out to be best case scenario for you.
If not, it will be a tough time. Just try to keep in mind the tough time will be temporary and you'll be able to make it back to where you were.
Fuck bro… if you lost your shit I’ll give you a guitar. Jim root squire tele or a charvel desolation single cut. Your choice.
Local news is reporting 50-75% of Pacific Palisades is gone. It’s atrocious. The fire hydrants ran out of water. How that happens, I don’t know.
Local news is reporting 50-75% of Pacific Palisades is gone. It’s atrocious. The fire hydrants ran out of water. How that happens, I don’t know.
Thanks SO MUCH man...fortunately the ESPs live at the office in Westlake Village with the big amps. So I still got four...GratitudeFuck bro… if you lost your shit I’ll give you a guitar. Jim root squire tele or a charvel desolation single cut. Your choice.
I commend all the brave firefighters, police and first responders that are bravely doing everything they can...But from an administrative level, the situation was very poorly prepared for and managed.Local news is reporting 50-75% of Pacific Palisades is gone. It’s atrocious. The fire hydrants ran out of water. How that happens, I don’t know.
It's an absolutely beautiful community...Can't tell you how sad this makes me.Local news is reporting 50-75% of Pacific Palisades is gone. It’s atrocious. The fire hydrants ran out of water. How that happens, I don’t know.
100%We had to evacuate from the fire in the San Bernardino mountains last September. @VonBonfire and @JackBootedThug helped keep my spirits up the whole time we were stuck in a hotel room wondering if we were gonna have a home to return to. I am grateful and honored to call them my brothers. That's the kind of people we have here on Rig-Talk!