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It should be at least as clear from what I remember of the MC I had, but I didn’t AB. Fizz doesn’t seem to be in the cards for wizards IME lol (cleaner style of gain). It is open like the other wizards, but with a lot more gain and saturation on tap. Not about being very compressed or filtering things away. I’d say it’s still very much about those qualities you mention: big, full frequency, clarity, punchy, clear highs, but markedly bigger, more muscular/efficient and punchier probably from the KT88 powersection and transformer designed around those tubes and a lot tighter and more attack than the MC and MTL I hadThat's really interesting. So again, I haven't played a Hell Razor or an MTL, but I have played a Modern Classic and Modern Classic II, years ago.
I remember the MC and MC2 being VERY punchy having a ton of percussive power like a good plexi, but, just like the name implies, they were modernized, so they had a wide bandwidth and much more gain on tap, but not quite "modern high gain" levels of gain. What they did have, however, was killer clarity and dynamics, touch sensitivity, etc. In other words, the amps sounded like they were high gain amps, but I remember them feeling almost like high headroom clean tone amps, if that makes sense.
The biggest concern I have about an amp like the Hell Razor is that to control all that gain, the amp might need to do some heavy filtering on the guitar itself, like cutting off the lowest lows and the highest highs fairly aggressively, which could kind of choke the sound out if you were to try and use it with less than "white hot metal" levels of gain.
Can you describe how the Hell Razor is different than the MC in terms of clarity at Modern Classic levels of gain? In other words, can the Hell Razor do the sounds of the Modern Classic, big full clarity and dynamic punch with a crystal clear top end, or does it more focus exclusively on more compressed modern high gain tones with some of the highs filtered away to control the fizz?
What’s great about Wizard’s is they are among the only non-vintage amps I’ve tried that sound fairly raw and organic meaning to me also not filtered or restrained like the other 99% of current made amps. I think the extra gain, tightness and attack make it effective at being modern, but it won’t get modern in being filtered, clinical or cardboardy sounding like the omega’s or Uber ultra I had. Because it does have more gain than the other Wizard models more compression will inevitably come with that, but for the amount of gain that is there I would say it’s similarly open (per gain amount if that makes sense) and solidly defined on palm as all wizards are. For the MC I had to boost it to get to modern territory and even the MTL often needed a little, but I don’t boost my Hell Razor. It may come off sometimes like it has less gain than it does since it’s so clear, but there’s more than I think one would ever need. It is a noisy amp admittedly, but I can manage fine with my gate
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