Woman murdered because of a pride flag.

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Yeah, these here trolls are severely allergic to the truth.


I'm not sure it has to do with being allergic to the truth. Speaking for myself at least, I just have a different view of Correlation/Causation than some here. Just because a true story happened, does not make an entire umbrella of things "the truth". It's a big world out there, and isolated incidents are often times just that, isolated incidents. Like this thread for instance, if one lady was killed over a pride flag, does not mean every lady with a pride flag will also be murdered, nor does it mean every opponent to "pride" is a murderer. I don't recall ever saying CCN's articles are lies, just that they are isolated incidents with paragraphs of editorialized bullshit dramatizing them. It's propaganda.

It's a tactic that is used often. "prove me wrong!" we hear alot. But asking to do so is a logical fallacy. It's near impossible to prove anything does not exist. You can only prove that something did happen. It's why the court system is the way it is, and why the burden of proof is on the person making the statement. For some of us, a bunch of internet memes are not sufficient proof that a massive government conspiracy is happening under our noses. It's just all bullshit spun to seem important. Both sides do it. Some more than others on this site, but like most things in this world, "the truth" lies somewhere in the middle.
For some of us, a bunch of internet memes are not sufficient proof that a massive government conspiracy is happening under our noses.

Agreed , memes and articles are not undeniable proof that a massive government conspiracy is happening but I'll tell you what is . When the involved people themselves admit to it and comment about it on a nearly daily basis. That is irrefutable proof , but you leftists still say it's nonsense and they can't really mean what they're saying .

Agreed , memes and articles are not undeniable proof that a massive government conspiracy is happening but I'll tell you what is . When the involved people themselves admit to it and comment about it on a nearly daily basis. That is irrefutable proof , but you leftists still say it's nonsense and they can't really mean what they're saying .

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not stupid enough to believe the text on those signs is real lol
You don't have to watch the video from the site I posted from watch it from your sources and he will say the same thing . Then come back and explain why it's not true and a conspiracy theory .
I told you in the past to go to the website and listen to them speak , let me guess that's also not good enough ha ha ha

I'm sure there are extremists in Islam that would preach the things photoshopped on to the photo, but I don't believe that represents their nation in general. That's what makes them extreme.
Today in Cedar Glen, California, a woman saw a man ripping a pride flag down in front of her place of business. She went outside and asked him to stop. He shot and killed her. She is survived by her husband and 2 small children. San Bernardino County Sheriff's Deputies tracked the shooter down and killed him. This all happened just a few miles from where I live in the San Bernardino mountains in southern California. My wife and I shocked and saddened by this evil act. View attachment 238238
Almost 8 billion people in the world. People are killed all of the time and sexuality has nothing to do with it.
You are correct. WEF did not exist in my world until I came here. Your ramblings do not make them seem any more ominous either
My God , now this right here folks is the definition of brain scrubbing success . Even the dumbest of the dumb know all about the WEF . "Wow" LOL