nbarts":45494 said:I'm neither a legal adviser nor lawyer. I never said I knew my rights, I just know that things that happened to me were morally wrong.
Morals are not regulated by the police. The polce enforce the laws that were passed into legislation by the people through their elected officials. If you feel that a police officer is morally wrong for legally enforcing a law then your problem is not with the police officer, you problem is with the law.
Also, as a citizen you should know your rights. Many men have sacrificed and even died for those rights, and you seem to be the type to complain when you feel that those rights are being violated, so it seems the least you could do is know your rights before you complain.
nbarts":45494 said:I'm a person who doesn't give a shit about the law,
I can't imagine why you would have a problem with the police with that attitude.
nbarts":45494 said:I don't do things that I think are morally wrong, obviously what I think is morally wrong tuns out to be illegal too.
In other words, you ignore the laws that you don't like and only follow the laws that you choose to follow, and to justufy this you claim that you are following your own set of morals which should be sufficient for anyone who has a problem with your actions.
Like I said, I can't imagine why you would have a problem with the police with that attitude.
If you ever take a vacation I suggest taking a little trip to the real world, you might be surprised what you find there.
First, I need to say that my responses will be based on your side of the story. Knowing what I know about people and stories, I already know that if I talked to the officers in volved that their story would not be the same as your story. Having said that, I'll try to respond as if your story is factual and complete.
nbarts":45494 said:I was driving to work & decided to stop by at 7/11 to get a cup of tea. I leave the 7/11 & in a minute I see 3 police cars pulling me over. As soon as they approach me they ask me to get out of the car & not even letting me to get out of it myself literally dragging me out of it. They put my hands on the car & search me. I haven't said anything yet, so far I was just following orders.
In the US, the police have the right to detain suspects and conduct investigations. Their actions are guided by law and policy, and they take these actions when training, experience, and circumstances dictate that these actions are necessary.
You don't know why you were being stopped, but you did stop. That means you followed the law up to this point. If you matched the description of a suspect they were looking for then they had the right to stop you and detain you, including taking you out of your car and patting you down for weapons.
nbarts":45494 said:They tell me to sit on the pavement & put my hands where they can see one of them pointing gun at me.
It is at this precise moment that an adult person of reasonable intelligence would sit on the pavement and put their hands where they can be seen.
If having a gun pointed at you by uniformed police officers who are giving you lawful commands to get on the ground with your hands visible does not get your attention then I suspect that you are either (a) not very bright or (b) have an attitude problem and are looking for trouble.
If the answer is (a) then you have my sympathy, if the answer is (b) then you should realize that people who act like a suspect generally get treated like a suspect, and people who comply with lawful orders are generally sent on their way with minimal inconvenience.
nbarts":45494 said:I tell them that I wouldn't like to sit on the dirty pavement, if possible we can throw something on the ground before I sit.
At this point, if you were a possible felony suspect and failed to follow my orders you would have been taken to the gound hard and fast. I would not listen to your requests. You are being detained as part of a police investigation, and the officers involved are concerned for their safety, your safety, and the safety of the citizens. The situation is dynamic and they are making decisions at light speed based on information that you are not aware of. This is no time to debate. Especially when you're the one on the receiving end of a gun.
You should have followed their lawful commands. If you are harmed in any way while following their commands you can seek compensation for your losses in the appropriate venue. FYI, the appropriate venue is not while you're being ordered to the ground.
nbarts":45494 said:They tell me to shut up & follow orders. While I'm sitting on the ground 2 other cops are searching my vehicle. After all they check my license & they tell me that there was a criminal activity in the area & that I can go. They didn't even apologize to me.
There's your answer, just as I suspected. You git the description of a suspected criminal and they were responding as they had been trained to respond based on the limited information that was available to them.
They were acting lawfully. If you were harmed in any way or felt that you were mistreated you should have contacted the police dept. and spoken with a supervisor.
If I were an officer in that situation I would have apologized to you for what you had to go through. Understand that the police probably cannot give you any details about their investigation if you are not involved, and if you were the wrong guy then they probably needed to get moving to find the suspect. But I still would have apologized for the inconvenience because i think it's the decent thing to do.
nbarts":45494 said:Other time I walk out of a local store, 2 cops approach me & tell me to turn around. Next thing I know I'm handcuffed, nobody tells me my rights when doing this.
What rights? The police are no required to read you your Miranda rights when they detain you or when they arrest you. The only time you are required to be notified of your Miranda rights is when (a) you are in custody, (b) you are suspected of a crime and (c) you are being questioned about the crime and anything you say to the police might later be used as evidence against you. If the police are arresting you but not interrogating you then they do not need to read you your Miranda rights.
nbarts":45494 said:I'm trying to ask what's going on, they tell me to shut the hell up & sit in their car. They are taking me to the police station on the way talking to me like I'm the lowest crapbag ever, I still have no explanation why I'm being taken to the police station, one of them keeps on telling me how I'm gonna like the time I'll spend in jail. In the station they cuff me to the bench, take everything I have on me & tell me to sit tight there until they are back.
OK, so it sounds like you were detained and/or arrested. The police don't have to talk to you when they arrest you. They do have to charge you with a crime within a certain amount of time or release you. I am 100% certain that there is more to this story than I have been told, but since I wasn't there I don't know the whole story.
nbarts":45494 said:I've been sitting like that for 4hrs. After they take the cuffs off & tell me that there was an illegal activity in the area & the description of the suspect matched me. So please tell me what the hell this can be called if not illegally handcuffed.
You were lawfully detained. You were released without being charged.
Now the way you tell the story you have been apprehended twice while just minding your own business. In both instances you said the police apprehended you and then just let you go. They didn't tell you why they detained you, they didn't question you about anything, they didn't explain anything, they just snatched you up and cuffed you then cut you loose.
Do you have any idea how ridiculous this sounds? There's a whole lot more to your stories, we're just not hearing about it here. Do you think the police have scavenger hunts where they have to scoop up guys that look like you and hold them for a while? What possible motive would the police have for repeatedly picking you up and then releasing you with no explanation.
I don't believe these stories are the 100% truth and whole story, not at all.
nbarts":45494 said:Do you know how it feels to have cuffs on sitting in the police station for 4hrs with no idea why this is happening to you?
No. And I never will.
nbarts":45494 said:It seems to me like the term "illegal activity" is being used by cops every time they need to harass someone.
So I don't know if this legal or illegal & honestly I don't give a shit, but if it's not illegal than some laws need to be rewritten.
I doubt you'll convince many people here or anywhere else that your stories are exactly what happened and that there's nothing more to these stories. You sure as hell won't convince me. But if I got struck by lightning twice I might want to consider what I was doing the two times I got struck by lightning and see if I could avoid a third strike, if you get my drift.